I just received an IBM THINKPAD T22 for christmas it has a 900 mhz PIII speed step processor I herd it is suposed to be a mobile processor if its mobile does that mean I have a wireless NIC card built in? and if i got a wireless router/switch I wouldn't need a cable could you please help me thank you.

A mobile processor just means the processor adjusts its speed to save battery life.

Check "Device Manager" to see what hardware is inside the computer.

No wireless.

You'll have to purchase a PCMCIA (PC Card) to do that properly.

Centrino wasn't around back when that thing came out.

A mobile processor just means the processor adjusts its speed to save battery life.

About this IBM "step" technology, I too have a T22 but a while back lost the harddrive and had to replace & reformat, but this time in XP. How do I get the "step technology" back again?

how does XP run on your T22? I installedit on mine and it was nothing but problems so I gave up and went back to windows 2k

About this IBM "step" technology, I too have a T22 but a while back lost the harddrive and had to replace & reformat, but this time in XP. How do I get the "step technology" back again?

You may have to go to IBM's website and download mobile chipset drivers for the system. I know that on Dell systems, Speed Step won't work unless you install that on your system.

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