Hello I'm running win xp3, I can't access the Internet even after plucking in the ethernet cable behind
my computer. I tried Pinging the loop back addres I received replies. but ping anything else does not reply, also running the "route print" command on the command prompt, didn't give me a complete info, i could nt find the default gateway ip addr. is it the NIC?

Are you on a Laptop or Desktop? This could sound like a missing for broken Internet driver? Have you checked that? If I have to give you more advices I need some more info about your computer.

Yep. Did you check device manager to see if your card is listed and/or missing drivers (indicated by the yellow sign on the device).

From command line, run 'ipconfig /all'. Is your card listed?

This could be one of a few things. Faulty NIC, corrupt or non-existent drivers, dead router, dead ADSL connection... Check your event logs for errors and notices.

I would try to connect to the internet on another machine in the same house. If that connects then I know I can dedicate my focus to the PC at hand. If not, then I'd look at fixing the internal network.

Let's say we're looking at the originally mentioned PC. I'd start by trying another NIC if I had one. If not, then I would look into the drivers, or debate borrowing or buying a USB wireless receiver to connect to the web and download the latest drivers for my NIC. (Forget your NIC for now... don't you have an intergrated ethernet port to test with?)

Just some baseline troubleshooting steps there, there more you give me (such as event log data) the more I can help.


First of all try to check on the manage then device manager to see if the network adapters are updated and if you see the yellow colour on the network adapter it means they are outdated so you should update it in the internet or by using your CD drivers of your computer then after that connect again your internet cable and am sure after that you will be accessing internet. but if the network adapter are up to date try to change your internet cable then you will see. Hope it will help you


Try to change the cable with another cable, if that does'nt work then you have to upgrade your NIC card.

You can also check with your ethernet configuration if it is configured to static ip address.normally it will be automatic.

rightly said by igusman or check the crimping of the cable and if youwant to see all the ipconfiguration of your ppc then type ipconfig/all in command prompt.


This could sound like a missing for broken Internet driver? Have you checked that? If I have to give you more advices I need some more info about your computer.

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