I have a Wireless Laptop(XP Home) & Wired Desktop(XP Media Center). I can't ping my Desktop from my Laptop or ping my Laptop from my Desktop. I can get the Laptop to ping itself by using either the IP or Computer Name however I cannot get the Desktop to ping itself using IP or Computer Name. I can't get either computer to recognize the other computer.

I have a Linksys Wireless-B Broadband Router. Model is BEFW11S4. I am using the Wireless USB Adapter Model WUSB11 on the Laptop & one of the 4 ports on the back of the router for the desktop. The IP for the Wireless Laptop is & the Wired Desktop is I also have the latest Firmware on the router & Adapter if that matters.

I have the normal Windows Firewall running, but do have the File & Printer Sharing checked in the Exceptions tab on both computers. I also have ZoneAlarm on both computers. I have disabled it completely on both computers as well as the Windows Firewall to see if this would work & still it doesn't.

I am just giving as much information on the specifics of both computers as possible so that you wont have to ask for it.

It shouldn't matter but I have 1 other Desktop that is just using this router for Internet access which isn't going to be networked for File or Printer Resources at this time. I also have a VOIP phone in one of the 4 ports on the router.

make sure all your computers are on the same workgroup.

right click my computer, computer name tab. to change it click change name.

when they are both on the same workgroup, try to ping. if still can't, reset the router.

check back when you've done this

Both computers are on the same domain.

I reset the router. I unplugged it...wait about a minute & plug it back up.

On my desktop I can't ping myself, but I can on the laptop. I can now ping my router from my desktop which I couldn't do before. I don't know if this helps, but on the desktop if I ping my laptop computer's Name, GATEWAY-LAPTOP, then it times out, but it shows the Laptop's IP w/out me typing it in. Same way on my laptop...I can ping my desktop's name & it times out, but shows the desktop's IP.

On my desktop...I click on My Network Places. I click on View workgroup computers. I can see my desktop & laptop listed. If I try to open the laptop I get an error saying:
Gateway-Laptop is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find if you have access permissions.

The network path was not found.

On my laptop...I click on My Network Places. I click on View workgroup computers. I get an error saying:
Antek is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.

don't ping by name, ping by ip. although i don't think it'll make a difference.

I pinged with IP & name & got the results described above.

I honestly don't know how else to help you, sorry.

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