
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between network server and internet server.



>Can anyone tell me what is the difference between network server and internet server.
Technically an Internet server is a network server, since the Internet is one huge network. :)

Anyway, try your hand at Google; I'm not going to just give your homework answers to you.

>Can anyone tell me what is the difference between network server and internet server.
Technically an Internet server is a network server, since the Internet is one huge network. :)

Anyway, try your hand at Google; I'm not going to just give your homework answers to you.

Thanks joe, I asked this because i read a case study where the company MIS Officer said "we are networked; our network server is where the MSSQL is installed and we also have an internet server which is Linux redhat" so from here, i didn't get because I am familiar with a server where the database and all applications are installed the same PC". Is it possible that the database server is installed in another PC while the application server is also in another PC?

Thanks so much. I would appreciate if anybody can add more explainations.

Well, in this context, "Network server" would be the server that hosts the company's database to the local area network, but it is not accessible from the Internet.

The "Internet server" is within this LAN, so it can access the "Network server". It then takes this data and displays it on a website I would assume, across the internet.

So in other words, you're indirectly accessing the MSSQL database from the network server whenever you view a page from the internet server.


i have a network server that provides "user areas" to all the pcs in my house. this also hosts a website which is NOT visible from the internet (its for development use)

i also have a database server which is visible to BOTH the LAN (for the web pages being developed to use) and the internet (for the blog mentioned in the next part)

i then have my internet server, which is exposed to the internet but NOT my LAN network. its sole function is to run a simple blog.

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