I can access my website with my external static ip address. Anyone outside my wifi cant access my website. I assume this is a router problem? How do I allow other computers to allow access to my server?

you have to forward the 8080 port to your server. There will usually be a port forwarding option on your router. It shouldn't be hard.

But my web server runs on port 80... (I have already forwarded port 80 to my server.)

ok, are you using apache or IIS?

Im using apache on debian linux. Heres my forwarding page: (note that before I forwarded to port 80 I could only access my website with the unique ip addresss my router gave all of the computers in my network. After forwarding I could just use the external ip address)

a firewall maybe?

You mean on my server? I don't believe so.. (debian isn't configured with a working iptables install by default is it?)

i think there might be other settings on your router that need to be dealt with, like the virtual server settings. check those.

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