
I'm a newb of ASP Server side development area. I've just installed SQL server 2000 to my computer. I think it is for database design. Can anybody clarify how is it work, how is it possible to design?

I'm well aware with HTML, CSS, ASP, Java applets etc. Hope somebody would respond to my question!!!

SQL Server 200 is not for database design.
It's a database server.

You can design your tables using DBDesigner for the free one or using Enterprise Architect/ Data architect instead.

SQL Server 200 is not for database design.
It's a database server.

You can design your tables using DBDesigner for the free one or using Enterprise Architect/ Data architect instead.

Can you tell me, how can i constuct such a table using sql server 2000. If i'm preparing for constructing a site like 'Daniweb' then how is it possible using this? How can i constuct structure? i didn;t find any loop there!!

Not to sound mean, but if you don't know anything about databases, how do you plan to build a site like Daniweb? You need to understand your limits and start off small and build up from there. Start by learning what a database actually is before you try to use one. You'll have far more success that way.

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