i need borlandc++ software .can any one help me please i need it for free

Yes, you can download it....try a little searching on google and you'll find it. Microsoft visual c++ is also a good compiler!

personally in my experience the best compiler i have found is dev-c++ its free and its the fastest.

personally in my experience the best compiler i have found is dev-c++ its free and its the fastest.

Personally, I would choose Code::Block over Dev-C++

I am but a humble part-time hobbyist programmer, but I have found Dev-C++ to work very well. It pwns.

Mingw and VI for me. I have used borland before, you can get the old version for free, but alot of SDKs, like DirectX SDK, do not work well with the old borland compiler.
if you just want to experiment with STL or study C\C++ then it should work fine.

here you can get the borland 5.5 compiler for free.

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Borland apart for C++ Compiler 5.5 also distributes a free IDE called Turbo Explorer C++. You can get that at www.turboexplorer.com.

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