do you have an idea in how we can move and drag image for games proposes.?

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clearly mention that what you you want to do exactly, then only peples can help tou to achieve it,

with regards
Venkatramasamy SN

I'm going to put an image to my game then I want that image to move or make a motion.

Post your Queryin detail,

clearly mention that what you you want to do exactly, then only peples can help tou to achieve it,

with regards
Venkatramasamy SN

I'm going to put an image to my game then I want that image to move or make a motion.

You can place the picture in any of the controls like picturebox, imagebox,command button,

to move the control you have to change the position of that control(Top and Left values of the Control)

If you looking for drag and drop ten you have to read the mouse coardinates.

for right accuracy on placing the control in a position calculate the centre point of the control from the Top and left values of that control.

Hope this will help you,

If you need code help contact me...

With regards,
Venkatramasamy SN

do you have an idea in how we can move and drag image for games proposes.?

what kind of game is that can i have one sample of that game just pm me if u want to give me a sample

AAA technogeek 42 i need to move a image. My game is connect four or email me at <<Snipped>>

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