hello sir i'm a new user,i just want to ask if you have sample programs which deals on linked list....if possible not the add.edit,delete program

You can't do a linked list without the add, edit, and delete functions. But do a search for linked lists and you'll get hundreds of hits, such as this list here at DaniWeb

hello sir i'm a new user,i just want to ask if you have sample programs which deals on linked list....if possible not the add.edit,delete program

Here is a simple one. I can't write without classes, anyway.

#include <iostream>

struct listelem {
  char data;//any type here
  listelem* next;

class list {
   listelem *h; 
   list() { h=0; }//0 means empty list
   ~list() { release(); }
   void prepend(char c);//add to the start of the list
   void del() { listelem*temp=h;
                     h = h -> next;
                     delete temp; }
   listelem* first() {return h; }
   void print();
   void release();

void list::prepend(char c)
   listelem *temp = new listelem;
   temp -> next = h;
   temp -> data = c; h = temp;
   h = temp;

void list::print() {
  listelem *temp = h;

  while(temp != 0) {
      cout<<temp -> data << " -> ";
      temp = temp->next;

void list::release()

If you want, I can post difficult one with templates.

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