hi everyone.....i'm designing a simulator and i need to study John Conway's Game of Life.
i'm getting the source code in java or c++ everywhere i search. Have anyone ever implement it using python or can you please give me a link where i can find the source code in python.

Thank you a lot.......

Hi nish88,

Search in this forum for "game of life."

hi... i've got a code but everytime i run it,it just close the whole program. may i know y its so and what is the bug in it.
here is the code

# life.py simulates John Conway's Game of Life with random initial states
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys, random, pygame
from pygame.locals import *
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The title and version of this program
title, version = "The Game of Life", "1.0"

# The dimensions of each cell (in pixels)
cell_dimensions = (5,5)

# The framerate of the game (in milliseconds)
framerate = 60

# The fraction of the board occupied by cells when randomly generated
occupancy = 0.25

# Colors used to represent the cells
colors = { 0:(0,0,0), 1:(200,200,100) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main function
def main(args):

    # Get the board dimensions (in cells, not pixels) from command-line input
    if len(args) != 3:sys.exit("USAGE: life.py X_CELLS Y_CELLS")
    board_dimensions = (int(args[1]),int(args[2]))

    # Initialize pygame elements
    screen, bg, clock = init(board_dimensions)

    # Initialize random board
    board = make_random_board(board_dimensions)

    # Enter the game loop
    quit_game = False
    while not quit_game:

        # Slow things down to match the framerate

        # Update the board

        # Draw the board on the background
        draw_board(board, bg)

        # Blit bg to the screen, flip display buffers
        screen.blit(bg, (0,0))

        # Queue user input to catch QUIT signals
        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT: quit_game = True

    # Print farewell message
    print "Thanks for watching!"

# Initialize pygame elements
def init(board_dimensions):

    # Grab hard-coded global values
    global title, version, cell_dimensions

    # Initialize the pygame modules

    # Determine and set the screen dimensions
    dimensions = (board_dimensions[0]*cell_dimensions[0],
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dimensions)

    # Set the title string of the root window
    pygame.display.set_caption(title+" "+version)

    # Grab the background surface of the screen
    bg = screen.convert()

    # Grab the game clock
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Return the screen, the background surface, and the game clock
    return screen, bg, clock

# Create a "seed" board of given dimensions at random
def make_random_board(board_dimensions):

    # Grab hard-coded global values
    global occupancy

    # Instantiate the board as a dictionary with a fraction occupied
    # 0 indicates an empty cell; 1 indicates an occupied cell
    board = dict()
    for x in range(board_dimensions[0]):
        for y in range(board_dimensions[1]):
            if random.random() < occupancy: board[(x,y)] = 1
            else: board[(x,y)] = 0

    # Return the board
    return board

# Update the board according to the rules of the game
def update_board(board):

    # For every cell in the board...
    for cell in board:

        # How many occupied neighbors does this cell have?
        neighbors = count_neighbors(cell, board)

        # If the cell is empty and has 3 neighbors, mark it for occupation
        if board[cell] == 0 and neighbors == 3: board[cell] = 2

        # On the other hand, if the cell is occupied and doesn't have 2 or 3
        # neighbors, mark it for death
        elif board[cell] == 1 and not neighbors in [ 2, 3 ]: board[cell] = -1

    # Now, go through it again, making all the approved changes
    for cell in board:
        if board[cell] == 2: board[cell] = 1
        if board[cell] == -1: board[cell] = 0

# Return the number of occupied neighbors this cell has
def count_neighbors(cell, board):

    # Figure out the potential neighboring cells (need to watch the edges)
    neighbors = [ (cell[0]-1,cell[1]), (cell[0]-1,cell[1]-1),
                  (cell[0],cell[1]-1), (cell[0]+1,cell[1]-1),
                  (cell[0]+1,cell[1]), (cell[0]+1,cell[1]+1),
                  (cell[0],cell[1]+1), (cell[0]-1,cell[1]+1) ]

    # For each potential neighbor, if the cell is occupied add one to the score
    score = 0
    for neighbor in neighbors:

        # Is this a real neighbor, or is it out-of-bounds?
        if neighbor in board.keys():

            # Remember that neighbors which are marked for death count, too!
            if board[neighbor] in [ 1, -1 ]: score += 1

    # Return the score
    return score

# Draw the board on the background
def draw_board(board, bg):

    # Grab hard-coded global values
    global cell_dimensions

    # Draw every cell in the board as a rectangle on the screen
    for cell in board:
        rectangle = (cell[0]*cell_dimensions[0],cell[1]*cell_dimensions[1],
        pygame.draw.rect(bg, colors[board[cell]], rectangle)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following code is executed upon command-line invocation
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hi nish88,

Are you running the program from the command line? It needs to be given two command-line parameters (width and height) or it will shut down immediately.

can you tell me how to run in it command line.
i'm trying to do so but i'm not able and python program is just exit.
i'm just a beginner

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