
I have been working with Java for appox the last six months but I still am very un-sure of myself. I need help figuring out how to import one Java file to the current one running. I am using Jcreator LE as a source editor/compiler and I wish to rum my program in the Console mode. Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you


If the java class files are in the same directory, you do not need to import them.

how though, do i have the program call that class???

I figured it out in case you were wondering. Boy do I love Java, lol!!!


New issue...
I currently have this for source code for the Enemies in my game. class Enemy
{String name=("George");
int Hp;
int Pp;

what I want to do is set up a seperate file forenemystorage and then everytime an enemy is created, (I have that working) I want it to go to that file, and randomly (although based on character level) pick an enemy to create, with differen stats names etc etc etc...

This might work. Have a different class for each "type" of enemy. Each "type" of enemy can pull random weapons, items, etc. But then make an array of classes, and whenever you want to make a new enemy, pull a random number (with some sort of method) and use that method number as the index number for the array. That way, you get a semingly unique enemy each time.
I hope this made sense :P


I don't know about the arrays. As i said I have only been working with Java for a relativly short time and I am not sure of how to pull from an array of classes.

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