I have a program that I'm writing that connects to a database, calls a new form , and dynamicly creates controls (textbox, and label) for each item so that they can be edited. The problem I'm having, is I don't know how to pass these values back to the main part of my program. I'm just not sure how to access these dynamic controls after they've been created. They are being created durning the OnLoad function. Here is the code:

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            for (m_iRow = 0; m_iRow < m_iTotalRows; m_iRow++)
                int iColumn = 0, iMyColumn = 0;

                if (m_iRow == (m_iTotalRows - 1))
                    txtOutsideTxtBox.Text = m_strDetails[m_iRow, iColumn];
                    m_iRow = m_iTotalRows;
                    if (m_strDetails[m_iRow, iColumn] != null)
                        label1 = new Label();
                        label1.Name = "lblAmount" + (m_iRow + 1).ToString();
                        label1.Text = "Amount:";
                        tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(label1, iColumn, m_iRow);

                        txtBox1 = new TextBox();
                        txtBox1.Name = "txtAmount" + (m_iRow + 1).ToString();
                        txtBox1.Text = m_strDetails[m_iRow, iMyColumn];
                        tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(txtBox1, iColumn, m_iRow);

                        label1 = new Label();
                        label1.Name = "lblUnit" + (m_iRow + 1).ToString();
                        label1.Text = "Unit:";
                        tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(label1, iColumn, m_iRow);

                        txtBox1 = new TextBox();
                        txtBox1.Name = "txtUnit" + (m_iRow + 1).ToString();
                        txtBox1.Text = m_strDetails[m_iRow, iMyColumn];
                        tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(txtBox1, iColumn, m_iRow);

The Error I'm getting is

The name txtUnit1 does not exist in the current context

My first thought is DUH because it's created in a different function (I'm using a button I call save to pass back


along with the values of each text box. So how do I do this. I suppose I'm needing to be creating the controls else where? Any suggestions?

Do u create txtUnit1 dynamically? Even though it is created dynamically, it should have reference to refer later. Also check the modifier (Private, public ...). In your conditions the controls may not be created.

And how would I create a reference for later? Also, none of these dynamically created controls can be accessed outside of the function (the for loop actually) that they are created in. Any ideas? Maybe someone knows of a good tutorial on dynamic controls (for the not so bright :P )

Also post your coding where the errors occur. Anyone can find errors.

namespace C1_Testing
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        Panel p = new Panel();
        int count = 5;
        RadioButton[] rbutton;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            p.Name = "panel1";
            p.Width = 223;
            p.Height = 524;
            p.AccessibleName = "panel1";
            rbutton = new RadioButton[count];
            int j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                rbutton[i] = new RadioButton();
                rbutton[i].AccessibleName = p.Name+i.ToString();
                rbutton[i].Text = i.ToString();
                rbutton[i].Location = new Point(60, 60 + i * 20);
                j = i;

            Button btn = new Button();
            btn.AccessibleName = "btn1";
            btn.Text = "submit";
            btn.Size = new Size(75, 23);
            btn.Visible = true;
            btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method);
            btn.Location=new Point(90, 60 + j* 20);

        public void method(object obj,EventArgs eargs)
            Panel p1 = (Panel)p;

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