
I'm a beginner for Perl. Just want to ask a few simple question:

1. Which Text Editor tools is the best for Perl?

2. Some recommend JEditor. I installed it but having problem with the Exuberant CTags. After i downloaded it I cant seem to install and apply it.

3. Any ebook anyone will recommend? (share with me if possible??)


For an editor you might want to use a 'upgraded' version of notepad with syntax highlighting such as notepad++or try komodo edit which is avaible from activestate, the same place you probably got the perl interpreter from http://www.activestate.com/store/download.aspx?prdGUID=20f4ed15-6684-4118-a78b-d37ff4058c5f
I do not know why you would want JEditor because i just googled it and it is a java IDE, and perl inst java :)


Hope that helps


commented: useful +1

What you want is an IDE, a good free one is Perl Express


I think its only for Windows operating systems. Install activeperl from www.activestate.com then use the IDE to run write and run your perl scripts.

I believe you can also use it as just an editor if you don't want to install perl.

Some free ebooks:


Most still relevant if a little out of date in reagards to the newest version of perl: 5.10.

commented: useful +1

Thanks guys....

I tried Komodo Edit 4.3. It's quite good. Easy to use and simple.

Anyway, thanks guys for all the suggestions...

I tried Komodo Edit 4.3. It's quite good. Easy to use and simple.

Anyway, thanks guys for all the suggestions...

Looks like a real good editor. Good choice. I still recommend you install perl and use and IDE, makes writing scripts much easier.

What I actually did was installing perl and Komodo Edit 4.3.

Is there any difference between IDE and an Editor? Komodo Edit 4.3 is an editor? Or an IDE?

And the IDE is it comes together with the ActivePerl?? I cant seems to find it though.

What I actually did was installing perl and Komodo Edit 4.3.

Is there any difference between IDE and an Editor? Komodo Edit 4.3 is an editor? Or an IDE?


And the IDE is it comes together with the ActivePerl?? I cant seems to find it though.

Not necessarily, in komodo you can edit Perl, Python, ruby... but you need to set interpreter(in case of perl) path. I like interactive shell(Perl) the most, where i can test something on the go, which i am really confused of or try new things.


I don't think that Komodo Edit is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). As the Komodo Editor page says: its an editor based on Komodo IDE. Komodo Editor is a text editor, albeit one that has many nice features and support for scripting languages.

Activeperl does not come with any IDE. I posted the URL to a free IDE, it may not be the best IDE but its pretty good for free. Komodo IDE is supposed to be excellent, but I have never used it. Its also $295.

For an editor you might want to use a 'upgraded' version of notepad with syntax highlighting such as notepad++or try komodo edit which is avaible from activestate, the same place you probably got the perl interpreter from http://www.activestate.com/store/download.aspx?prdGUID=20f4ed15-6684-4118-a78b-d37ff4058c5f
I do not know why you would want JEditor because i just googled it and it is a java IDE, and perl inst java :)
AS for ebooks, i managed to download a [removed] , but you can find free perl ebooks on the web which are downloadable legally so its up to you what books you get

Hope that helps


Its definetly not cool to inform people where to download pirated copies of perl books and other materials. I know many of the authors of perl books, via forums and CPAN, and I know they put a lot of time and effort into writing those books and don't appreciate being ripped-off.

Not necessarily, in komodo you can edit Perl, Python, ruby... but you need to set interpreter(in case of perl) path. I like interactive shell(Perl) the most, where i can test something on the go, which i am really confused of or try new things.


Komodo Edit is also an IDE? Seems odd they would post a free IDE when they sell Komodo IDE for $295. I think Komodo Edit is just an editor, but I could be wrong as I have never downloaded it.

Komodo Edit is also an IDE? Seems odd they would post a free IDE when they sell Komodo IDE for $295.

:) i agree.

I think Komodo Edit is just an editor, but I could be wrong as I have never downloaded it.

I think you should try trial version...


There is no trial version for Komodo Edit... it is free. Komodo IDE has a trial version. I think you are maybe confusing Komodo Edit ( a new product) with Komodo IDE.

I use Perl Builder 2 Pro IDE. Its not as powerful as Komodo IDE but I don't need all that power.

I don't even do any perl programming anymore. I basically post on forums so I don't forget how to code perl.

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