In my application i have requirment, I have 3 textboxes i wich i am entering empid,empname,depid i wnat store this thing in listboxes tempvarily. how can i do this pls send me sample code this very urgent (only one listview box)

Why dont you use MSDN. The code is all there.

Why dont you use MSDN. The code is all there.

If you knows answer then give answer but don't give advises

Mr. Sushilchandu--If you expect me to spoon feed someone --forget it. I only help those who at least put in some efforts-- to learn and research.
Besides this--the advise is for the poster to accept or reject--and not for every Tom-Dick-and Harry to comment on.

If you knows answer then give answer but don't give advises

It kind of Laziness....Show the effort, how far you have done with this.

You Need To See This Rule :)

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