i think it is not possible to print vertical lines along with text data in vb6..so i thot of transferring the whole contents from vb form to a word document. but now i dont know how to do that. i want to transfer the data in a specific tabular format. still the format is too irregular to be in excel..so can anyone provide me a solution to this question? :|
i have attached the format to be used. It is to be noted that the data is to be taken from vb.

so please help me.. :|


Use Crystal Report. Design the Report using all the Lines and Boxes. Connect to the Database. Insert the Table where all the Details are stored. Place the Fields in Respective Columns.
Now from VB, Show the CR..



Use Crystal Report. Design the Report using all the Lines and Boxes. Connect to the Database. Insert the Table where all the Details are stored. Place the Fields in Respective Columns.
Now from VB, Show the CR..


hey veena..would it solve my problem - printing the report in the format i want..and let me tell you the format is quite irregular : tabular but quite irregular...the format is given in the document which i attached along with my question..please check it out if u havent..and reply me... :)


Yes, I know, its a Standard Export Invoice Format. I have designed it using CR. Well the Top Portion Goes into Page Header. Place Lines/Boxes etc..
And Place the Detail Fields (Qty / rate) in Detail Section.



Yes, I know, its a Standard Export Invoice Format. I have designed it using CR. Well the Top Portion Goes into Page Header. Place Lines/Boxes etc..
And Place the Detail Fields (Qty / rate) in Detail Section.


thank you so much dear..you have almost solved my problem... :)
now can you tell me where do i get this crystal report..?? :|


I guess, it must have been installed in your system.
In VB Editor check menu:
AddIns >> Report Designer



I guess, it must have been installed in your system.
In VB Editor check menu:
AddIns >> Report Designer


okies... :)
thnxx... :)

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