This may not be a Java-specific question, but if it can be done in Java that would be my first choice -- I have at least a basic idea about Java. If not, then any pointers toward the correct language will be much appreciated. Help with creating the code will be even more appreciated!

I have about 1300 files presently in .TRF (TypeReader) file format. I am converting them to PDF files one at a time by opening them in TypeReader Enterprise 6.0 (an OCR program) and saving them in the PDF format.

It would simplify my life greatly if code exists that would allow me to process more than one file at a time. This is an advanced request I realize -- I don't even know if it can be done. Hence my cry for help.

I called the company (Expervision) and left word for my original contact to call me back, but so far he has not seen fit to do that. In fact, their whole approach seems to be one of "buy more stuff and we might condescend to talk to you." It doesn't make me eager to do more business with them.

Thank you for any help or advice that you can offer.

Well, I found this statement about the new features in 6.0 Enterprise:
"TypeReader allows users to acquire multiple image files, specify a method of locating and recognizing, specify saving options and saving destination and complete the OCR process without any user intervention."

Have you looked into those batch processing features?

Well, I found this statement about the new features in 6.0 Enterprise:
"TypeReader allows users to acquire multiple image files, specify a method of locating and recognizing, specify saving options and saving destination and complete the OCR process without any user intervention."

Have you looked into those batch processing features?

I believe that batch processing relates to the intial scan input process. I can scan up to several hundred pages into TypeReader, OCR them, and then have TypeReader save them in various ways into as many individual files as needed. But once files are created in TypeReader, and you need to go back and change the file format, then you are stuck doing it one at a time. At least, I think that's right -- I will go back and double-check just to be on the safe side. (I have worn egg on my face before...) ;)

The coding I am looking for would be like this: suppose you were moving several hundred files from one computer to another and wanted to keep the same directory structure in the target machine. I have heard of programmers writing short programs to complete that move automatically -- without having to drag and drop each file and/or directory. That's the type of thing I need. And I suspect that I may be grasping at straws; the more I think about it, the more likely that the answer is "You can't get there from here." :-/

Ezzaral, whatever the outcome of my inquiry, thank you for your willingness to help. I really appreciate people such as you! :)

Short batching programs like you describe are certainly easy to code up if you have access to the API commands to perform those actions. In this case that would mean a command line interface for TypeReader such that you could specify the input file and the output file and it's format via command line switches, or a scripting interface provided by the application. Not knowing anything about TypeReader, I couldn't say if it has any of those capabilities. I just saw the mention of the batch processing capability and thought that might be worth looking into.

Does Typereader have any macro recording or scripting capabilities? I didn't see any mention of macro functions.

Short batching programs like you describe are certainly easy to code up if you have access to the API commands to perform those actions. In this case that would mean a command line interface for TypeReader such that you could specify the input file and the output file and it's format via command line switches, or a scripting interface provided by the application. Not knowing anything about TypeReader, I couldn't say if it has any of those capabilities. I just saw the mention of the batch processing capability and thought that might be worth looking into.

Does Typereader have any macro recording or scripting capabilities? I didn't see any mention of macro functions.

Very good point Ezzaral, and likely just exactly the fly in the ointment that I suspected I would find. So far as I know, TypeReader doesn't provide for scripting or macros, and it is not open source. In my file moving example you would have access to the needed directories. TypeReader access would only be via the application's front end, read end user.

I suspect that means I am sunk, right?

Unfortunately, I would imagine so, unless you can find some third party conversion utility. That seems a bit unlikely though for TypeReader. I looked a bit on Google but didn't come up with anything.

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