I'm trying complie this SortedList Program and List Java, but I'm alot errors. If someone can help with this, I really appricated.


import java.util.Iterator;

* SortedList.java
public class SortedList<E extends Comparable<? super E>> extends List<E> {
private int size;
public SortedList(){
head = null;
size = 0;
public void insert(E data){
if(head == null){
head = new Node<E>(data);
} else {
Node<E> n = head;
while(n.next != null){
n.next = new Node<E>(data);
public void remove(E data) {
E.data = null;
if (head != null)
temp = head.data;
head = head.next;
return temp;
public E retrieve(int index){
if (index < size)
return size;
return null;
public boolean search(E data){
if(E.data < 1 || E.data > size())
return false;
Node<T> = head;
for(int i = 1; i < index; i++)
if(Node<T>.getNext() == null)
return false;
Node<T> = Node<T>.getNext();
return true;

public Iterator<E> iterator() {
if (index < null || index > E.data)
throw new IndexofBoundException(Integers.toSTring(index));
return index;
return null;

* List.java
public abstract class List<E> implements Iterable<E> {
protected class Node<T> {
protected Node(T data) {
this.data = data;
protected T data;
protected Node<T> next;
public abstract void insert(E data);
public abstract void remove(E data);
public abstract E retrieve(int index);
//public abstract boolean search(E data);
protected Node<E> head;

Hello, deven1974
Lets start:
1. Illegal use of data and datatypes:

public void remove(E data) {
E.data = null;
if (head != null)
temp = head.data;
head = head.next;
return temp;

It is equal, if you write this

String s;
String.s = null;

2. You didn't declare variable temp, but use it.
3. Why are you setting your just entered parameter no null and the working with it?

Hey, thanks for you help, but I have little clue on this program. The is program I have do for my class. If you can able help with complie error message that I'm get while running this program.


Should I

String s; 
String.s = null;

At the bottom is my program that I have do.
The Sorted List ADT

Implement the SortedList class. The SortedList class extends
the List class. Both can be seen here. Your assignment is to
implement all of the abstract methods of the List class. They are:

* insert
* iterator
* remove
* retrieve
* search

You must also implement an Iterator inner class for the
SortedList class. You must submit a modified SortedList.java
file with your source code. Do not submit and do not modify
the List.java file.

As I can see, you didn't read this post "We only give homework help to those who show effort". All I can do is give you advices:
1. About String s: String - is a class, when you create an object of class, the class "do not know about it". So you can't cll the object from the class (String.s = null). Also as in your program.
2. The phrase "data=null" in the begginig of the method is wrong (consider, you use it later...).
3.Befor using variables? you have to declare. That way compiler understands, what you will store in it. In your case the type is "E". this mean, that it unknown now, but will be known later. Also you have to know is the base type for all refference types is Object.
4. If you are writing "public void remove(E data)" it means, that function doesn't return value. The return keyword is not out of place.

Also you can answer a questions and I'll try to answer. Good luck.

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