Hi .. I need a c++ program dealing with sales and marketing ... the program should contain some products where we enter the details of sales and it should yield a result of product as gud or a bad sales as profit....

Sounds like you have a broad idea presented and you need to develop a project within those guidelines. I wish my boss did that more often! One possibility is to set up computer programming business. Then charge outrageous sums for your services. Say $5 per line for finished code. $3 per line for code that hasn't been debugged. And $1 per line for code that is sure to get a failing grade. Profit could be viewed as 100% unless you take into account the cost of the computer, the software, and the time/cost involved in learning how to use it all. Once you've written your ideas out on paper then try to write out some pseudocode before proceding to the real thing.

>>it should yield a result of product as gud
gud is not in any English language dictionary that I know of, so I have no idea what you mean by that.

>>I need a c++ program dealing with sales and marketing

First you need to define the problem better. What, exactly, is it supposed to do? What exactly do you mean by "sales data" ? Before writing a program you have to clearly write down on paper exactly what you want and how it is to go about doing it.

Sounds like you have a broad idea presented and you need to develop a project within those guidelines. I wish my boss did that more often! .

Yes, but then the end product would probably not be what the customer wanted :)

Truer words were never spoken......errrrrr, written.

>>Hi .. I need a c++ program dealing with sales and marketing
Hello, I need more than 24 hours a day to solve that!!

Well, here's a TODO list:
Read the Announcement and Sticky Thread :http://www.daniweb.com/forums/announcement8-2.html and http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread78223.html

Decide, what you want to do actually with your project.
Cast your thoughts into something precise so that it could be molded into programming interactions.
Write a Algorithm and overview of all type of Data Structure you will need (classes, structs)

Try to design the basic interface of your program.
Then start designing the back-end.
Code the above two.
And report any difficulties you face

>>gud is not in any English language dictionary that I know of, so I have no idea what you mean by that.
Hey! may be he meant 'good' by that. I am not sure, but its just a guess!.;)

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