i need the code of funtion "gets" in class "string.h".
thanks a lot

May I ask why?

doesn't matter why -- gets() is a horrible function anyway. Use fgets() instead of gets(). And if you really want the source code for that standard C function then download the gnu compiler source code.

commented: Agreed, but the source for gets() et al will be in libc, not the compiler itself +29

doesn't matter why -- gets() is a horrible function anyway.

Well maybe he wanted the source to improve the function and benefit C-programmers worldwide by inventing a failproof, idiotproof, fast-then-ever gets()-function :)

Or maybe you're just right.

commented: lol +29

i need the code of funtion "gets" in class "string.h".
thanks a lot

Download compiler source code base and search for gets api.

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