I have spent a few months upgrading a toolkit I created and is used extensively throughout our organisation of 2-3000 users. I used DTPicker controls as I found these were ideal.

My beloved organisation then upgraded to XP and decided that the standard desktop didn't need this control installed locally. My excel-based application no longer works.

I experimented with distributing the ocx file with the excel based application, and this worked for me. Problem is - it installs itself in the windows folder, and my beloved organisation prohibits almost all staff from writing to their hard drives.

So - I am left in a bit of a quandary. One line I am pursuing is registry setting changes that allows the ocx file to operate on a public drive and not self-install.

I have run searches on this and other forums (fora?) and not found anything that exactly matches what I am after.

Can anyone please advise me if there is a way to make mscomct2.ocx operate from a shared/public drive without self-installing to windows?

Many many thanks.


I think if you store the ocx on a public drive, you can do a:

regsvr32 H:\Path\To\whatever.ocx

obviously H: would be the public drive. Have you tried putting on a public drive?

Yeah - I tried just having both the workbook and the ocx file in the same publick location, but it just kept trying to self-install. Mind you - I hadn't made the reg setting changes.

One of the dang problems is that I have rights different from the average user, so I can't really replicate what they do. I'm gonna try again to get the reg settings changed by the user, and see if that works.

I had seen the regsvr32 solution somewhere else, and tried it myself, and then tried to see what changes were made to the regedit settings, but couldn't find it.

I then created a batch file that just had the reg changes and got a user to try running that. They told me that they made the registry changes - the success message came up - but the problem didn't go away.

I don't much trust some of the users with doing things exactly right - or maybe I don't trust my instructions to be clear enough - so will see if I can grab a user's PC and do it myself.

It would, of course, help if my beloved employer would allow me remote administrator access so I can remote in to their PC and see what is happening.

Don't sound bitter, do I? :-)

Nah, Not at all :)

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