
I want to retrieve the hardware information (CPU info, RAM size, HDD info, VGA info) for dos platform. Anybody can help me with Turbo C or C++ source Code? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Lemme guess, you're running TurboC on XP?

Do you want the information for the VM TurboC runs in, or the real machine XP is running in.

I run XP inside VirtualBox, so there are now 3 possible answers to your question.


Thanks for the ques.

I am running Turbo C on XP. But i want to make an exe by TURBO C which will run on DOS 6.x. Not Win32 solution , i need a DOS solution.

Any help will greatly appreciated.


Lemme guess, you're running TurboC on XP?

Do you want the information for the VM TurboC runs in, or the real machine XP is running in.

I run XP inside VirtualBox, so there are now 3 possible answers to your question.

Is not Turbo C a nd Turbo C++ very outdated?

Is not Turbo C a nd Turbo C++ very outdated?

Yes, but so is DOS. He wants to write code for DOS 6.x, so Turbo C++ is not as bad a choice as it would be if he were targeting a modern OS.

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