I've written an app in VB2008 using a Windows Vista laptop. My problem is that when I run the app on my XP desktop, the fonts look a little blurry/blocky. I've attached 2 screenshots (which don't really capture the issue too well unfortunately).

The 'Vista' screenshot is the one I am happy with - it looks fine on screen. The 'XP' screenshot looks blocky. (If you look at the 'O' in 'OK' you can really see the difference.)

The font used is Verdana, which I believe is a very common font.

Any ideas as to what might be causing this?

Are you using ClearType?

You are a genius. Many thanks!

No problem. Glad to help.

Are you using ClearType?

How do I know I m using ClearType? How to solve? Thanks.

On XP right click the desktop and go into properties. In there (i think you click advanced on the appearance tab) set smoothing to cleartype. Also ensure that it is turned on under system->performance tab in control panel.

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