List result = q.list();
		if (result.isEmpty()){
			System.out.println("No Projects");
			for(Object object : result){
				Project p = (Project) object;
				System.out.println(p.getName()+" worked on by "+p.getEmployees().getName());

error : cannot find symbol
symbol : method getName()
location: interface java.util.List<Employee>
System.out.println(p.getName()+" worked on by "+p.getEmployees().getName());
1 error

Can anyone help what is my stupid mistake here? And how can I deal with it?

Seems that p.getEmployees() is returning a List. You will have to iterate that list and than use the getName() method for each 'Employee' object in the list

commented: Thanks +2

Seems that p.getEmployees() is returning a List. You will have to iterate that list and than use the getName() method for each 'Employee' object in the list

Thanks man I got it :D

[code=java]for(Object object : result){
				Project p = (Project) object;
				System.out.print(p.getName()+" worked on by ");
				Iterator itr = p.getEmployees().iterator();
					System.out.print("no employees.");
					Employee emp = (Employee);
					if (itr.hasNext()){
						System.out.print(", ");
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