I am trying to find the best cmplier for the C++ program. All answer will accepted.

>I am trying to find the best cmplier for the C++ program.
If one compiler were the best, there wouldn't be so many out there, would there? :icon_rolleyes: The trick is to try out a bunch of them and pick the one you like best.

commented: Yup +6

I prefer Microsoft Visual Studio, but I think that may be because it's what I learned on.

for me, foundation student learning fundamental programming i use code::blocks
my lecture uses dev-c++....
but 1 thing 1 know that if you wanna deal more with windows and not cross-platform...visual basic...

correct me of i am wrong!

Use Dev-C++ cos its best for installing new libs.

>Use Dev-C++ cos its best for installing new libs.
You'd be wise to avoid stating opinions as if they were fact.

I'm stating my opinion in short form thank you.

Dev is light & can be portable.
VC is is equipped & has help.
Borand C has good editor.
Codeblock is elegant.
I prefer C++Builder.

I prefer VC++ 2008 Express (or any other edition) because of its superior debugging tools. I have yet to see another non-Microsoft IDE that matches the debugging features and ease of use that VC++ 2008 has. The remaining features of that IDE are more eyewash than anything else and have been matched by other IDEs such as Code::Blocks.

I have yet to see another non-Microsoft IDE that matches the debugging features and ease of use that VC++ 2008 has.

I think debugging with a Borland compiler is easier. when you compile, if there's an error, the first error line is highlighted immediately & a short easy to read comment is shown. but VC shows a list of warnings & errors. you have to find the comment or activate another error window & check errors. in addtion, in a borland editor the caret can go beyond end of line which is more convenient. just explaining why I prefer C++Builder.

That's only a very small part of debugging facilities. With Microsoft all you have to do is double-click an error message and the cursor will appear on the line that caused the error. You were probably doing it the hard way.

There is a great deal more to debugging then just finding lines that contain errors.

There is a great deal more to debugging then just finding lines that contain errors.

do you mean step by step running, watch window, changing the value in step by step running? BDS 2006 (which contains C++Builder2006) has all these. it has also two watch windows one shows values the programmer probably wants to see. the other the varibles you drag to it. another good thing is when you hover over the variable the value is shown.
but I think with VC finding defs is easier & faster. I run both C++Builder & VC++ 2008 Express & share cpp files. in this way I have two editors & compilers simultaneously. a good trick to have more options & facilities :)

I prefer Codeblock..

what about NetBeans or Eclipse...i think NetBeans is a very good option and also heard that it has a very very good debugging tool that can match with Visual C++.

Netbeans confused me. I got the C++/Python version, but it doesn't seem to have any standard headers like Iostream and stuff... I just use it for Python now...

Netbeans confused me. I got the C++/Python version, but it doesn't seem to have any standard headers like Iostream and stuff

U have to install MinGW/locate it on ur HDD before compiling any C/C++ project.If u dont then, ur trying to compile without any compiler.

I prefer code::blocks coz of the ease of use and the fact that well, coding in it looks so beautiful. It's just too nice. :)

>and the fact that well, coding in it looks so beautiful.
"Ooh, shiny! ...what was I coding again?"

There's no one such best c++ compiler.

"Best" depends on what you're looking for in the compiler. I do a whole lot of c++ programming on Windows, and for me, the Visual C++ compiler is the best.

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Dev cpp for me.

Dev cpp for me.

Do you mean wxDevCpp?
Last time I visited DevCPP it seemed as if project is dead :-O

commented: never heard of wxDevCPP +25
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