... I find it interesting that these are projects for the beginners. Of course, these projects I've found often result in constant research and use of extremely confusing modules. If a module is confusing and is required for a project? It immediately bumps up to intermediate difficulty in my book. One of many exceptions is the use of the Image module. This immediately jumps difficulty to Suicide Mission. Reason being the massive number of things Image can do that, when I researched the module, make absolutely no sense.
(I didn't get far in Python Challenge once that module was introduced.)

Noting this observation, I think the beginners should learn how to use some of the more simplistic modules.

Challenge: Raffle. Have Python run a raffle based on names you give it. Determine first, second, and third place as well. For added challenge, have Python give a portion of a jackpot sum of money to each person. Each person should receive a somewhat... strange amount of money, but first place gets more than second, who gets more than third.
Hint: Research brings up a specific function that stands out. Look for that function.

Oh, and whoever posted the idea for spellchecker and included a dictionary? Possibility that there's a smaller dictionary? The size of that one overloaded Python. Like I had to split the string up into AB, CD, EF, etc. to get it to not bug out Python and actually allow it to register strings as actually finite. And trying to print the full list I made from those portions into one list named "Dictionary" results in Python crash. Over 10,000 words is nice, but WAY unneccessary.

In my humble opinion you need to learn Python really well before you tackle many of those projects.

Thoroughly read the initial post at:

You raised some questions that needed to be answered. Those in turn would have cluttered the project thread. The rules are there to prevent this. So your post was moved to its own thread.

Now to your questions ...

The English Dictionary file you questioned has about 110,000 words and performs easily with Python, no overload problems and searches are at the blink of an eye. Look at these examples:

Processing images is a more complex project, but if you are interested in imaging it can be very rewarding. Python has modules that are fun to explore. You have to start experimenting wih PIL and the like to really learn.

In first post.

After you got the basics of Python under your belt, the best way to get a good knowledge of the language and improve your coding skills is to start on a project you are interested in.

That means that you have to know python good.
You can still be a beginner after 1-3 year it depends how much time you put in to learning programming.

Python is on the most easy language to learn,but it take time to be a good programmer where you can solve problem on your own(without hours on google for the most basic thing)

To day people are in a hurry to learn,this is a good read.
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

In first post.

That means that you have to know python good.
You can still be a beginner after 1-3 year it depends how much time you put in to learning programming.

Python is on the most easy language to learn,but it take time to be a good programmer where you can solve problem on your own(without hours on google for the most basic thing)

To day people are in a hurry to learn,this is a good read.
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

... So after realizing how much of a flaming retarded asshole I apparently am...

Despite having read the posting rules and having given a god-damn project...

I still think that beginners at python means that they can, at best, manipulate if, for, while, all boolean operators, define functions.
I personally think that remembering and manipulating the access of external files is edging intermediate.

Of course, I'm a retard, what the fuck do I know.

Calm down, nobody has called you anything!

The thread caters to project ideas that are for the beginner. However beginners are at all sorts of levels in their learning progress. Any project takes some research, otherwise it isn't a project!

I have enjoyed the sticky's project ideas very much. Please put your clever Raffle project back into the thread. Avoid the unsubstantiated extra comments about other projects. If you manage to freeze up Python on a program you wrote, go to the regular forum and ask questions. This way you won't ask other folks to clutter up this nice thread/sticky with answers. That is what the rules imply.

It looks like the word Beginner should have been replaced by Python Enthusiast or something.

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