Hi guys,
I have two bushes to clear up. I have doe SQL fro some time now but I have never done blob. I think the next project will require it. So here are my Question:
1. How blob differ from any other type like text?
2. How to create a C++ object to store in blob and get it back? Is ther anything special?


> I have doe SQL fro some time now but I have never done blob.
So did you learn what you know by reading the manual, or did you learn it some other way - osmosis perhaps?

> 2. How to create a C++ object to store in blob and get it back? Is ther anything special?
Like a manual?

So did you learn what you know by reading the manual, or did you learn it some other way - osmosis perhaps?

Some other way, specifically tutorials. I was doing SQL with python and MySQL and SQLite but the tutorial didn't cover blobs.

> 2. How to create a C++ object to store in blob and get it back? Is ther anything special?
Like a manual?

I'm not sure sir! I have tried google and I'm yet to find good tutorial that can take newbee from the ground up :)

blobs are nothing more or less than large chunks of binary data. The database knows nothing about the blob's contents, its up to your program to interpret that. Here is one article that may help you.

Thanks AD,
you tackled my doubt that I failed to present
"The database knows nothing about the blob's contents"
Voila! Ahsante!!!

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