I am trying to pass data into a class object and the put that class object into a binary tree. My code was mostly give from the professor, but I am stuck on this part. He gave us the binarytree.h and employee.h. I had to create the emp_tree.cpp.

Employee.h: (give by professor):

// EmployeeInfo class
#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
#define EMPLOYEE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "BinaryTree.h"
using namespace std;

// Forware declaration of the Employee class.
class EmployeeInfo;

// Function Prototypes for Overloaded Stream Operators.
// Needed for some compilers.
ostream &operator << (ostream &, EmployeeInfo &);

class EmployeeInfo

		int empID;
		string name;
	friend class BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo>;

	EmployeeInfo(int id = 0, char* n = "None" ) 
		empID = id;
		name = n;

	void setID(int n)
		empID = n;

	void setName(char *str)
		name = str;

	void setName(string str)
		name = str;

	int getID()
		return this->empID;

	bool operator==(int value)
		return this->getID() == value;

	string getName()
		return name;

	bool operator==(const EmployeeInfo& emp)
		return this->empID == emp.empID;

	bool operator< (const EmployeeInfo& emp)
		return this->empID < emp.empID;

	bool operator> (const EmployeeInfo& emp)
		return this->empID > emp.empID;

	friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm, EmployeeInfo &obj)
		strm << "ID Number: " << obj.empID << "\tName: " << obj.name << endl;
		return strm;



BinaryTree.h (given by professor)

// Binary Tree Template

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class BinaryTree
	struct TreeNode
		T value;
		TreeNode *left;
		TreeNode *right;

	int leafCount;

	TreeNode *root;
	void insert(TreeNode *&, TreeNode *&);
	void destroySubTree(TreeNode *);
	void deleteNode(T, TreeNode *&);
	void makeDeletion(TreeNode *&);
	void displayInOrder(TreeNode *);
	void displayPreOrder(TreeNode *);
	void displayPostOrder(TreeNode *);
	int countNodes(TreeNode *&);
    void countLeaves(TreeNode *);
	int getTreeHeight(TreeNode *);
	int numAtLevel(TreeNode *, int);

	BinaryTree()							// Constructor
		{ root = NULL; }
	~BinaryTree()							// Destructor
		{ destroySubTree(root); }
	void insertNode(T);
	// searchNode has been modified.
	T *searchNode(T);
	void remove(T);
	void displayInOrder()
		{	displayInOrder(root); }
	void displayPreOrder()
		{	displayPreOrder(root); }
	void displayPostOrder()
		{	displayPostOrder(root); }

	int numNodes();
	int numLeafNodes();
	int treeHeight();
	int getWidth();

// insert accepts a TreeNode pointer and a pointer to a node. *
// The function inserts the node into the tree pointed to by  *
// the TreeNode pointer. This function is called recursively. *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode)
	if (nodePtr == NULL)
		nodePtr = newNode;						// Insert the node.
	else if (newNode->value < nodePtr->value)
		insert(nodePtr->left, newNode);			// Search the left branch
		insert(nodePtr->right, newNode);		// Search the right branch

// insertNode creates a new node to hold num as its value, *
// and passes it to the insert function.                   *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::insertNode(T num)
	TreeNode *newNode;		// Pointer to a new node.

	// Create a new node and store num in it.
	newNode = new TreeNode;
	newNode->value = num;
	newNode->left = newNode->right = NULL;
	// Insert the node.
	insert(root, newNode);

// destroySubTree is called by the destructor. It   *
// deletes all nodes in the tree.                   *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::destroySubTree(TreeNode *nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr)
		if (nodePtr->left)
		if (nodePtr->right)
		delete nodePtr;
// searchNode determines if a value is present in   *
// the tree. If so, the function returns a pointer  *
// to the value member of the node.                 *
// Otherwise, it returns false.                     *
// PREVIOUS VERSION.                                *

template <class T>
T *BinaryTree<T>::searchNode(T num)
	TreeNode *nodePtr = root;

	while (nodePtr)
		if (nodePtr->value == num)
			return &nodePtr->value;
		else if (num < nodePtr->value)
			nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
			nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
	return NULL;

// remove calls deleteNode to delete the       *
// node whose value member is the same as num. *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::remove(T num)
	deleteNode(num, root);

// deleteNode deletes the node whose value   *
// member is the same as num.                *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::deleteNode(T num, TreeNode *&nodePtr)
	if (num < nodePtr->value)
		deleteNode(num, nodePtr->left);
	else if (num > nodePtr->value)
		deleteNode(num, nodePtr->right);

// makeDeletion takes a reference to a pointer to the node  *
// that is to be deleted. The node is removed and the       *
// branches of the tree below the node are reattached.      *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::makeDeletion(TreeNode *&nodePtr)
	TreeNode *tempNodePtr;	// Temporary pointer, used in reattaching the
	                        // left subtree.

	if (nodePtr == NULL)
		cout << "Cannot delete empty node.\n";
	else if (nodePtr->right == NULL)
		tempNodePtr = nodePtr;
		nodePtr = nodePtr->left;	// Reattach the left child
		delete tempNodePtr;
	else if (nodePtr->left == NULL)
		tempNodePtr = nodePtr;
		nodePtr = nodePtr->right;	// Reattach the right child
		delete tempNodePtr;
	// If the node has two children.
		// Move one node the right.
		tempNodePtr = nodePtr->right;
		// Go to the end left node.
		while (tempNodePtr->left)
			tempNodePtr = tempNodePtr->left;
		// Reattach the left subtree.
		tempNodePtr->left = nodePtr->left;
		tempNodePtr = nodePtr;
		// Reattach the right subtree.
		nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
		delete tempNodePtr;

// The displayInOrder member function displays the values        *
// in the subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via inorder traversal.  *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayInOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr)
		cout << nodePtr->value << endl;

// The displayPreOrder member function displays the values       *
// in the subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via preorder traversal. *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayPreOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr)
		cout << nodePtr->value << endl;

// The displayPostOrder member function displays the values      *
// in the subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via postorder traversal.*

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayPostOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr)
		cout << nodePtr->value << endl;

// The numNodes function returns the number of nodes in the tree.*

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::numNodes()
	return countNodes(root);

// The countNodes function uses recursion to count the nodes in  *
// the tree. This function is called by the public member        *
// function numNodes.                                            *

template <class T>
int  BinaryTree<T>::countNodes(TreeNode *&nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr == NULL)
		return 0;
		return 1 + countNodes(nodePtr->left) + countNodes(nodePtr->right);

// Function numLeafNodes                                           *
// Calls countLeaves() and displays number of leaf nodes in tree   *

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::numLeafNodes()
        leafCount = 0;    // reset to 0 each time a count is made
        return leafCount;

// Function countLeaves                                   *
// Performs postorder traversal and counts leaf nodes     *

template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::countLeaves(TreeNode* nodePtr)
	if (nodePtr)
		if (nodePtr->left == NULL && nodePtr->right == NULL)


// Function getTreeHeight                                     *
// This function uses recursion to count the height of        *
// the tree.                                                  *

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::getTreeHeight(TreeNode* nodePtr)
	int leftHeight, rightHeight;

	if (nodePtr)
		leftHeight = getTreeHeight(nodePtr->left);								
		rightHeight = getTreeHeight(nodePtr->right);
		if (leftHeight > rightHeight)
			return leftHeight + 1;
			return rightHeight + 1;
		return 0;

// Function TreeHeight                                        *
// Calls getTreeHeight and displays height of tree.           *     

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::treeHeight()
	return getTreeHeight(root);

// numAtLevel is a private recursive function that counts the         *
// number of nodes at a specific level in the tree. The value         *
// passed into the level parameter indicates the level of the         *
// tree the function is to count the number of nodes in.              *

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::numAtLevel(TreeNode *nodePtr, int level)

	// Have we reached the desired level?
	if (level == 0)
		if (nodePtr)	// Is this a node?
			return 1;
			return 0;

	// Have we run out of nodes before reaching
	// the desired level?
	else if (!nodePtr)
		return 0;
	// If we haven't reached the desired level, and we
	// haven't run out of nodes yet, keep going down in
	// the tree. Keep a sum of the number of nodes found
	// at the desired level in both the left and right branches.
		return numAtLevel(nodePtr->left, level) + numAtLevel(nodePtr->right, level);

// getWidth calls the private function numAtLevel to determine        *
// the width of each level in the tree. The width of the tree is      *
// the number of nodes in the level with the most nodes. This value   *
// is returned.                                                       *

template <class T>
int BinaryTree<T>::getWidth()
	int height = treeHeight();
	int nodes, largest =0;

	// Call numAtLevel for each level in the tree
	// and keep track of the largest number of nodes found.
	for (int x = 1; x <= height; x++)
		nodes = numAtLevel(root, x);
		largest = nodes > largest ? nodes : largest; 
	// Return the largest number of nodes found at any level.
	return largest;



#include <iostream>
#include "Employee.h"
#include "BinaryTree.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
	int num = 0;

    EmployeeInfo item;
    BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo> tree;

    cout << "Inserting nodes. ";
    item.setName("John Williams"); 
    BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo>::TreeNode node;
    node.value = item;

	// Display the workforce.
	cout << "Here is the workforce:\n\n";

	// Get an ID number to search for.
	cout << "\nEnter an employee number: ";
	cin >> num;

	// Search for the employee in the tree.
	EmployeeInfo *ptr = tree.searchNode(num);
	if (ptr)
		cout << "Employee was found:\n" << *ptr;
		cout << "That employee was not found.\n\n";

	return 0;

When I run the program I get the following error:
Error 1 error C2664: 'BinaryTree<T>::insertNode' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'BinaryTree<T>::TreeNode' to 'EmployeeInfo' c:\emp_tree.cpp 51 test2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Whe you create BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo> tree;, you can only insert
EmployeeInfo into it. If you want to insert TreeNode into it, then create a
BinaryTree<BinaryTree::TreeNode> tree. I don't know why TreeNode is public. The user should not get a hold of it, since they can mess the tree up! So I suggest for you to make that private, and stay with BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo> tree; ,
and insert EmployeeInfo into it.

Well I got it to go in. But my question now is how to I add more than 1 record?

I know what you mean about the TreeNode being public. Since it was provided by the professor, I do not think I should change it. Here is what I have that works for ONE record. how do I add more?

EmployeeInfo item;
    BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo> tree;

    cout << "Inserting nodes. ";
    item.setName("John Williams");
    BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo>::TreeNode node;
    node.value = item;
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