This programming language, developed in 1993 claims to be the easiest/ quickest programming language around.
Is it fact or fiction? What do you all know about this language?

It's a procedural language and it has few datatypes -- just integers, floating point numbers, and sequences. No mention of struct-like objects or records. My calculator has a more sophisticated programming language.

I don't think it's very good. Maybe it runs faster than Perl and friends but that's because it's incredibly simple. Or simple-minded. I'd pick Ruby over it any day.

Wow there are so many programming languages, I couldn't imagine becoming efficient at all of them. God I have trouble learning java!

It's a procedural language and it has few datatypes -- just integers, floating point numbers, and sequences. No mention of struct-like objects or records. My calculator has a more sophisticated programming language.

I don't think it's very good. Maybe it runs faster than Perl and friends but that's because it's incredibly simple. Or simple-minded. I'd pick Ruby over it any day.

I'm pretty new to programming and I took alook at Euphoria and thought the samething as you Rashakil, it lacks in alot of areas to me and that's what makes it so easy to learn. :(

Ideally you should have an application first and than find the best language to code it in. This in turn means you need to know the basics about a number of languages.

I have used C, C++, C#, Delphi/Pascal and Python for some major projects. I keep looking at Ruby. Ruby is very powerful, but also somewhat cryptic. Let's call it the Perl malaise.

Ideally you should have an application first and than find the best language to code it in. This in turn means you need to know the basics about a number of languages.

I have used C, C++, C#, Delphi/Pascal and Python for some major projects. I keep looking at Ruby. Ruby is very powerful, but also somewhat cryptic. Let's call it the Perl malaise.

Interesting point Vegaseat didn't think about it in that sense.

I think you are being slightly unfair to Euphoria. I have just begun to look into it and I am impressed by the enthusiam of the user community who have submitted a large amount of code consisting of applications, games and extensions to the language into a common repository. Studying other peoples code is a great way to learn.
It seems to be a lightweight language like lua or rexx.
The native datatypes are not so limiting. Sequences allow you to build quite complex structures - a bit like Lisp. The interpreter is very fast and it can also be compiled to C. It has recently become open-source.

I strongly doubt that this "Euphoria" language is any good. It appears extremely outdated, and shouldn't be used anymore, with the advanced systems we have now. I believe that JustBASIC ( and LibertyBASIC ( are the easiest around.

Ideally you should have an application first and than find the best language to code it in. This in turn means you need to know the basics about a number of languages.

I have used C, C++, C#, Delphi/Pascal and Python for some major projects. I keep looking at Ruby. Ruby is very powerful, but also somewhat cryptic. Let's call it the Perl malaise.

I agree with Vegaseat. When I'm coding a shell, or a complex command-line app, I use C++, Python, or Ruby. If I'm trying to make a GUI app, I use Liberty BASIC, or wxWidgets for C++.

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