I'm new to Qt. What resources do you recommend for learning Qt?


If its the Qt IDE which you are talking about , then the best way to learn using any IDE is to try out new things in it and surfing through the icons. Moreover you always will have a helper documentation for the IDE under help tab. Use that.

If its the Qt IDE which you are talking about , then the best way to learn using any IDE is to try out new things in it and surfing through the icons. Moreover you always will have a helper documentation for the IDE under help tab. Use that.

Thanks for your reply.

I mean not only the IDE, but using Qt for programming GUIs.

Grab #7 (it's free and legal) from http://www.qtrac.eu/marksummerfield.html. #6 is the current edition, but I don't know how much that is.

The book takes you through making a rudimentary spreadsheet within the first few chapters.

It also goes on to talk about the other aspects of the library like the abstract data types, sockets class, database connectivity, etc.

Thanks for your replies.


Yes, I think the book @jonsca referred me to would be a good start.


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