Hello Everyone,

I am working on a program that will write random numbers to a file. I am getting the following error on line 31 of the filer.cpp file.

"error: no match for 'operator<<' in 'outstream << srand((( srand(((unsigned int)time(Ou)))'"

I believe the code used to generate the random number is correct. Am I doing something wrong with the output?


#include "utility.h"
#include "filer.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    int n, range;
    bool random;
    string fileName;

    cout << "Hello User!" << endl;

    cout << "How many numbers do you want in the file?" << endl;
    cin >> n;

    cout << "How many digits per number?" << endl;
    cin >> range;

    cout << "Please enter 1 for random or 0 for pseudorandom." << endl;   //bool, 1 is TRUE, 0 False
    cin >> random;

    cout << "Please enter the desired file name." << endl;
    cin >> fileName;

    cout << endl; //System Pause

//=========== Test code ======================
    cout << n << endl;
    cout << range << endl;
    cout << random << endl;
    cout << fileName << endl;
//=========== Test code ======================

    filer filerObject;
    filerObject.makefile(n, range, random, fileName);

    return 0;


#include "utility.h"
#include "filer.h"



//precondition: n, range, truly_random, and file_name have
//been set; truly_random is type bool, and determines whether
//the numbers are truly random, or pseudorandom
//postcondition: n random integers in the range 0-range,
//inclusive, have been written to a file named file_name,
//one per line;
void filer::makefile(int n, int range, bool truly_random, string file_name)
    ofstream outstream;

    if (!truly_random){
        outstream << rand() << endl;
    else if (truly_random){
        outstream << srand(int(time(NULL))) << endl;             //ERROR HERE



#ifndef FILER_H
#define FILER_H
//header file FILER.H for class filer
//a class object can create a file of a specified
//number of random integers in a specified range

class filer
filer(); //NOT ORIGINAL
void makefile(int n, int range, bool truly_random, string file_name);
//precondition: n, range, truly_random, and file_name have
//been set; truly_random is type bool, and determines whether
//the numbers are truly random, or pseudorandom
//postcondition: n random integers in the range 0-range,
//inclusive, have been written to a file named file_name,
//one per line;

virtual ~filer(); //NOT ORIGINAL
    int next_number(int range);
    //precondition: range has been set to a nonnegative value
    //postcondition: returns a random integer in the range
    //0-range, inclusive
#endif //FILER_H

That explains it. Thanks for the link.

commented: Reading provided documentation and answering your own question. Nice. :) +17
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