I have code that is very computationally intensive and very SSE-capable.

The vs2010 compiler only supports up to SSE2 (from what I remember) So my obvious choice is to switch to a compiler that supports SSE4.

I don't want to write any extra parallelizing code, (I just want to enable sse4 optimization)

Does anyone know how to set up Visual Studio 2010 so that it uses an Intel compiler? (ICC 10 or higher i guess?)

Why use VS to do this? The Intel compiler tools don't really need to be run from there. Myself, coming from a Unix background, prefer a good editor (VS will do that just fine) and make files. Have you looked into the Intel compiler tool documentation to see if it supports VS? If not, what about Eclipse?

Why use VS to do this? The Intel compiler tools don't really need to be run from there. Myself, coming from a Unix background, prefer a good editor (VS will do that just fine) and make files. Have you looked into the Intel compiler tool documentation to see if it supports VS? If not, what about Eclipse?

I thought this would be the easiest way, so I could just press the compile button in VS and it would go to the Intel compiler instead. The reason for this is because my project files are already all linked to a VS solution file (the project is pretty big and I'm not that good at compiling the Linux way)

I've browsed through forums and other people have ICC 12.1 working with VS2010, but I just don't know how to do it.

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