What is meaning of "nature of entity"? e.g. kind of function, global variable?
Is there any code to check it?

Also, how to detect the memory section in memory map?
e.g. environment, command line arguments, code/, global initialized data, global uninitialized data, stack, heap etc.
Is there any code to check which kind of memory section?

For example, I got a variable named "x1", what kind of code to check the "nature of the entity" + the "memory section"? Thanks.

That's not possible unless you are writing a compiler and then it would be a compile-time check, not a runtime check.

That's not possible unless you are writing a compiler and then it would be a compile-time check, not a runtime check.

Hi Ancient Dragon, I am new in C programming area.
May I know what is the so-called "compile-time" and "runtime"?

Thanks for helping... =)

"compile-time" is when the compiler compiles the program. "run time" is when you actually execute the program.

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