22 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pelle_3

Hi, all. I am using Entity Framework and decided to do some dependency injection in order to make my functions more testable. This seemed to bring up a few questions that I found difficult to solve. I guess the difficult part is figuring out the best practice of doing this, …

Member Avatar for mitesh.24jain

As I am new to Linq and Entity Framework, I don't know how I add comma sepearted and left join in linq/Entity code. My Sql query is rather big and I want it to be convert in Linq/entity: Select DISTINCT SR.StudentRequestId,SR.RegistrationId,SR.Location,SR.PaymentMethod,SR.CreatedOn,C.ClassName,CC.CampusName, CASE WHEN ISNULL(TSR.StatusId,0)=0 THEN 1 ELSE TSR.StatusId END AS …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I've recently "inherited" a part built project from a developer who as left our company. He had decided to use Entity Framework but I am finding it to be unstable and slow. I periodically have to reimport objects and stored procedures from the database as the model gets corrupted. …

Member Avatar for Aleksey_2
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I wrote a web page with one Russian word in it, using the Cyrillic alphabet character entity names (found in a list of all Unicode characters that I have). The page works fine in every browser I tried. But the W3C validator won't validate the page because the Cyrillic character …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for necrovore

Hi, I have been getting this error when doing savechanges(). System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session. I read this issue in many places and most are fixed with a .ToList() .First() or similar methods (basically not changing the object while the …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour

# Performing Selective Includes in Entity Framework with the Fluent API # When we are using Entity Framework as our data access choice to work with SQL Server then there are some potential pitfalls. One of these pitfalls is doing selective includes. What do I mean by selective includes? To …

Member Avatar for sanjeewa.abeywardana

I have gone through "How Do I?" Videos for Visual C# but it is all about wpf , and the link is already expired Hoping for some help on this topic where user can choice columns to search in the lookup and when user pick one it search according to …

Member Avatar for sanjeewa.abeywardana
Member Avatar for Bchandaria

Below Code is not working. it is not displaying any thing on web browser can any one help me out? css file code: car_catlog { background-color:#FF0000; width:100%; background-image:url(car1.jpg); } car { display:block; border:solid; color:#FFF; margin-left: 10pt; } make,model,year,color,engine{ display:block; margin-left: 10pt; } number_of_doors,transmission_type,accessories { display:block; margin-left: 30pt; } XML FILE …

Member Avatar for hqt

I'm using Entity Framework. Here is my code to update data : public bool UpdateProblem(Problem problem) { if (problem == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add a null entity"); } MathHubModelContainer ctx = new MathHubModelContainer(); ctx.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; ctx.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; DbEntityEntry attachtedEntrys = ctx.Entry(problem); // Find Currently Entity Entry …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for entities

Hi I am currently searching for entities in this case study and I am hoping to create an entity relationship diagram after I have found all the entities. So far I have managed to come up with the following entities Members Group members Organised club racing Training sessions Boat Design …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Robert_9

Hello, I am a student and I was assigned to create my first entity relationship diagram and I'm kind of lost. The professor hints the paintings should be broken into a generalization hierarchy since they have so many attributes but I can only break them into two sub(entities) based on …

Member Avatar for Robert_9
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have recently started to develop my own game in Java and am just starting to get the hang of it. I've watched various tutorials on making an engine etc and have picked up quite a lot. I am struggling with one problem though, I have a world and …

Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14
Member Avatar for lloyd.farrell.7

Hi everyone, I have created a twitter app to auto post to a number of twitter accounts. The auto tweet works great - but for one thing I am stuck on... I am trying to add a hashtag # (#) to the tweet but for some reason I'ts not working. …

Member Avatar for lloyd.farrell.7
Member Avatar for kubiak

Hi I am the new in C# and I do some semestral project, I have done generating the entity data model, and I want to connect to the database from class by dbcontext using the ConnectionString. I have problem to bind a connection to these database. Can someone help me? …

Member Avatar for kubiak
Member Avatar for Biswasparajuli

I am having trouble to find the entities for this condition. Can anyone please help me here. A university has different types of staffs, e.g., lecturer, receptionist, cleaner etc. Should be recorded is class of jobs - Academic, Technical and General. An Academic can teach many subjects in a session …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for CKShia

What is meaning of "nature of entity"? e.g. kind of function, global variable? Is there any code to check it? Also, how to detect the memory section in memory map? e.g. environment, command line arguments, code/, global initialized data, global uninitialized data, stack, heap etc. Is there any code to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jfox1988

I am using Entity Framework in Visual Studio linked to a back end database and would like to change the column name of the tables. Currently they have underscores which I want to remove, although there are many tables and columns. Is there an easy way to do this? I …

Member Avatar for Ggalla1779

Hi guys I need to find next highest no in a field that is a stick ref it has chars at front and 0 padded How so I strip off front chars and 0's to get actual highest no number in the table field? Am using LINQ against entity framework …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for de.ICeman

I want to create a Entity class with database in Netbeans. When i select a Data source jdbc/Ionbank (custom Jdbc connection Using JDBC-ODBC bridge with Ms SQL 2005 as database). I see all the table from that database. All tables show no primary key, but they have primary keys in …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for Rinacom

I Build an ASP.NET project with PL,BL,DAl, BE of Entity Data Model(=.edmx) which I generated from a service Based DB (= .mdf) which is located in my DAL project. I did copied the connectionString from the BE app.config to the PL web.config what's wrong? why I get this error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: …

Member Avatar for ursbala4u

we have done a video as part of the course work which explains about conceptual design for a small problem. I hope it might be helpful... here is the link.. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8JzkCq-5yA[/url] Thank you.

Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hi, I'm having trouble finding out whether I am doing my diagram the correct way or not. These are some of the properties of the diagram. Make an ER diagram and tables of the diagram: -Classroom contains the name of the building, the building number, and the space. -Reservation contains …


The End.