grunge man
um i can see some relation ships actually between vectors in phyics and c++
Really? Care listing some of them here? For others to learn?

ok now as i under stand about what arrays are i will now show the relationship between a physics vector and a c++ vector but next post ill need to get my physics book to properly explain this

Better if you name this thread with something relevant. Like "Similarities between C++ vectors and Physics Vectors". That would describe the content better. Thanks for considering my request. :D

PS. Within 15 or 30 minutes of posting you can see the "Edit this Post" button.

actually sorry peoples i have just realized im fine with vectors in phyics but i am going to need a lot of more info about c++ to explain this cuz im a beginer but dont wory i will come up with a result some time so bye for now

bye. Hope to see you soon.

o wolf pack sorry i didnt get it on time to edit the title

What do you mean you didnt get in on time?
The thread was started at 2.33 PM
You made that post at 2.46 PM
That is only 13 minutes.

well then i guess i dont know where the edit thing is

Can't you see it near the "Quote Reply" and "Quick Reply" Buttons? See attached image on this message.

o ya no duh gosh i cant believe i missed that um so ok there u go

um there is another problem after i edited it it still didnt change actually it did for alittle while but then it went back to how it was may its cuz of the time

There's no relation. You can make about any object simulate a simple physics vector, but a C++ vector is just a container. If the name was different would you still think there's a relationship?

commented: Rightly Said +1
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