Hi, i was wondering if anybody could give me sum help with ideas for programs. Ive been programming in c++ for a while, but im not really very advanced yet. At the moment im making things to output random messages, like a magic 8 ball, using arrays, but thats getting stale, and i need new ideas. However, it cant be too advanced, because im not taht good yet :(

any help would be appreciated

ok here is an idea but probably only when u get more advanced um make a c++ program that can take inputed santax from one programing lauangue and output the same santax in another um it could be called the lauanguage converter or something um so ya thats my idea all i can think of i hope it helps or helps trigger other ideas so ya

thanx, but could b too advanced. I was thinking of trying to input numbers, convert it to binary or hexdecimal, and output again... that mite work.
My biggest problem is that there are lots of stuff that are aimed at beginners, like really basic stuff, and then lots at a lot higher level, but im inbetween and i dont know how to get better. Any turorials, or books or whatever that anyboyd could recomend would be awesome...

See the code snippet section of this site. It has some really nice codes which can get you started.
I suppose someone has also given a code convertor for dec to bin. Take a look.

I think a neat, but relatively simple problem, would be to create an reverse Polish notation calculator. It would take a line of input, like, 2 3 + 5 *, and display 25. You'd need to understand what reverse Polish notation is; you can look online, probably Wikipedia.

Or try playing with some other programming language(s), like Perl or Scheme or Ruby or Python or Io. Then you'll have some more time to think of some ideas :)

hey thats real simple but only if u have memorized hex and bianary

hey thats real simple but only if u have memorized hex and bianary

What are you talking about? What do you mean by "memorized hex and binary"?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

What are you talking about? What do you mean by "memorized hex and binary"?

I think he/she is referring to sunnypalsingh's post. Although it's hard to say, I think he's in a little world of his own. Tee he he.


If you already know the syntax then do something mathematical that requires some thought and time to make. For instance: Maybe something simple to compute derivatives or an equation parser. A hex/binary spitter-outer is too simple in my opinion. (unless you are going to write the methods yourself, as I'm sure there are plenty available in ++)

thanx, but could b too advanced. I was thinking of trying to input numbers, convert it to binary or hexdecimal, and output again... that mite work.
My biggest problem is that there are lots of stuff that are aimed at beginners, like really basic stuff, and then lots at a lot higher level, but im inbetween and i dont know how to get better. Any turorials, or books or whatever that anyboyd could recomend would be awesome...

nope i was simpally saying if want to convert your first need to know how to do it on paper in order to better understand your codeing

thus for example you might want to create a converter chart such as

dec bianary hexadecimal
1    1          1
2    10        2
3    11        3
4    100      4
5    101      5
6    110      6   
7    111      7
8    1000    8
9    1001    9   
10  1010    A


I'm fond of simple games...

Are you familiar with mastermind? You could play it with letters rather than colors if you're not comfortable with programming graphical elements.

How about the classic puzzle, 'Towers of Hanoi'?
You'll probably have an easier time because you're not trying to put it on a bunch of programmable gate array logic elements linked by a bus.

I'm fond of simple games...

Are you familiar with mastermind? You could play it with letters rather than colors if you're not comfortable with programming graphical elements.

How about the classic puzzle, 'Towers of Hanoi'?
You'll probably have an easier time because you're not trying to put it on a bunch of programmable gate array logic elements linked by a bus.

If im not comfortable with outputting graphics, how would i go about learning? i just spent a fair while tyring to find somehting to help me, but i must be looking in the wrong places or somehting, cuz i cnat find nethin. I am looking for something that will tell me either how to create a windows api thingy, (as opposed to a console application, and it needs to be explained in a fair bit of detail...) or something that will output simple graphics, ie lines, circles etc in console mode.

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