ok so i need to make a program that where the user enter a day, month, year. has to be 3 ints, functions must display months name

I have no clue where to start

won't I need to do this with arrays?

Start to learn the language first (properly), then come here asking for help along with your current attempt. Tis no good asking us to do it when you've shown no attempt and don't seem to know the first thing about the language (arrays and suchlike are often not far into a tutorial).

Google is your friend when it comes to tutorials, but I'll give you this to start you off: www.cprogramming.com

I already know it it just I don't want to make a case for everyone single month and also leap year. Is there a shortcut?

Off the top of my head, using a case statement is probably the best method.

ok thanks, well I got 2 hours so I might as well do it the long way and copy my data if anything wrong

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Start to learn the language first (properly), then come here asking for help along with your current attempt. Tis no good asking us to do it when you've shown no attempt and don't seem to know the first thing about the language (arrays and suchlike are often not far into a tutorial).

Google is your friend when it comes to tutorials, but I'll give you this to start you off: www.cprogramming.com

Why do you feel the need to advertise other forums. Don't bother, or if you want to, try and do it more subtlely :rolleyes: . There's plenty of information, and good information here at Daniweb.


Why do you feel the need to advertise other forums. Don't bother, or if you want to, try and do it more subtlely :rolleyes: . There's plenty of information, and good information here at Daniweb.


It's not advertising. It just so happens that site is the main one I used when learning and it's stuck in my mind.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

It's not advertising. It just so happens that site is the main one I used when learning and it's stuck in my mind.

So...and ya point?

So...and ya point?

What the hell was yours. Begone, you horrid little object.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

dude you're even more funny than the avatar you have over at the cprogramming board.


Peace out.

Suddenly I like you. You can be my new Bob.
Yes BobMcGee123 of cboard, I've brushed you aside.

If you go to cboard and dig up my older posts you'll hit gold :D

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Suddenly I like you. You can be my new Bob.
Yes BobMcGee123 of cboard, I've brushed you aside.

I have no idea what you mean, but I bet it's funny too you. Ok I'm gonna stop now. You're killing me kiddo. :)

God almighty, go to cboard and search for "i hate you" you'll find it soon. Quite recent.

Now, now, children. Don't make me separate you. :rolleyes:

ahluka, you haven't earned the right to your attitude, so stuff it or I'll have a field day moderating your posts. If you want us to tolerate some lip, show that you're worth it. And yes, I'm familiar with your performance on other forums.

iamthwee, the link was relevant, even though it reeked of spam and was borderline on advertising. Yes, he's entertaining, but please don't feed the trolls.

HAI Prelude, is it? You sound like Prelude.
How can I show that I'm worth it? Use Loreal?
Ok sorry I know what you mean. I'll behave.

Wow, If this was prison I'd be like your bitch.

hmm I dunno why my post start a arguement buy anyways check out what I did so far.

*    prototypes    //declared function so main can find
void printMonth(int m);


char month[2][10] =
 int main()
     int month;
     int day;
     int year;
   cout << "enter the month: ";
   cin >> month;
   cout << "enter the day: ";
   cin >> day;
   cout << "enter the \year: ";
   cin >> year;
   cout << month << " " << day << " " << year << "\n";
   cout << getMonth(month) << "\n";
void printMonth(int m)
     cout << month[m] << "\n";
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