Hi. Does anyone know how to migrate a Merge Module project from .Net Framework 2.0 to 3.5?
I have been able to move the WindowsFormApplications and msi project but got stuck with the msm.


You should have to change/set the Target Framework project property with .net Framework 3.5.

Hi thanks for your response but I cannot find the option Target Framework itself. Where do I get it? Should I right click on the project in the solution explorer or in the Properties window?

In VS 2010:
Right-Click on the project name. Click the Compile tab. At the bottom, click the Advanced Compile Options button. At the bottom of the form that shows, is a drop down list where you can choose the .net framework target.

I don't get the Compile tab. The options I get when I right click is as follows:
Build, Rebuild, View, Add, Open Folder in Windows Explorer, Add Solution to Subversion, Add Selected Projects to Subversion, Update project to latest version, View Project History, Subversion, project File, Cut, Remove, Rename, Properties.

I am using VS2010 Professional and it's a c# project.

oops getting tired lol. When you right-click, choose properties, then look for the application tab. The dropdown list is on that form. My apologies I was trying to give you instructions for VB.

sorry tinstaafl :( but I still can't change the framework for a merge module project. Please have a look at the image attached, this is what I get when I right click on the project.
The steps you have listed above, I do get them for a WindowsFormApplication project.

Sorry, had to look at a merge module and refresh my memory. Have you tried your existing one? What kind of errors do you get? From my understanding of Merge Modules, you should be creating a new one for every version of your project, not re-using them

Merge modules allow you to capture all of the dependencies for a particular component, insuring that the correct versions are installed. Once you have distributed a merge module it should never be modified; instead you should create a new merge module for each successive version of your component.

I don't get any error but was just wondering if there is any way of doing it.

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