how to generate a state transition diagram in c.. give me the implementation steps

What is a state transition diagram?

What is a state transition diagram?

the diagram which have states and is transform to the other state when the condition is satisfied.
eg: a---*-->b where a and b are states. when the condition * exists the state transform from a to b

So how do you draw this diagram in paper if a, b and * is given? Give me the steps.

So how do you draw this diagram in paper if a, b and * is given? Give me the steps.

A node is created for the state A & B. An arrow is directed from the state A to B.the transition happens only when the condition above the arrow is satisfied

So you want C only to draw this?


So you want C only to draw this?


yes sir.i need the code to include the nodes as user wish and to specify the conditions.

What is a state transition diagram?

how to generate a state transition diagram in c.. give me the implementation steps

Can you show your initial attempt? This helps gauge what you can handle for a reply.

i have attempted to create a graph.such that i could include the nodes and make the transition between the nodes..

I meant code-wise. Do you have any sort of basic coding attempt?

I like function pointers, but I don't know if that's where you'd want to go based on the lack of code you have posted. Data structures you've created...? Etc...?

I meant code-wise. Do you have any sort of basic coding attempt?

I like function pointers, but I don't know if that's where you'd want to go based on the lack of code you have posted. Data structures you've created...? Etc...?

here is the code.. but i couldn run successfully.. an error "improper use of variable 'graph'"

int main()
   int a =0;
   typedef struct
      int edges[20][20];
      int degree[21];
      int nvertices;
      int nedges;
   graph *g;

   read_graph(graph *g, int directed)
      int i; /* counter */
      int m; /* number of edges */
      int x, y; /* vertices in edge (x,y) */
      printf("enter the no of nodes and edges");
      scanf("%d %d",&(g->nvertices),&m);
      for ( i=1; i<=m; i++ )
         printf("enter the value of nodes");
         scanf("%d %d",&x,&y);
   initialize_graph(graph *g)
      int i; /* counter */
      g -> nvertices = 0;
      g -> nedges = 0;
      for ( i=1; i<=20; i++ ) g->degree[i] = 0;
   insert_edge(graph *g, int x, int y, int directed)
      if ( g->degree[x] > 20 )
         printf("Warning: insertion(%d,%d) exceeds max degree\n",x,y);
      g->edges[x][g->degree[x]] = y;
      g->degree[x] ++;
      if ( directed == 0 )
         g->nedges ++;

/*delete_edge(graph *g, int x, int y, bool directed)
int i; /* counter */
/* for (i=0; i<g->degree[x]; i++)
if (g->edges[x][i] == y) {
g->degree[x] --;
g->edges[x][i] = g->edges[x][g->degree[x]];
if (directed == FALSE)
printf("Warning: deletion(%d,%d) not found in g.\n",x,y);
} */
   print_graph(graph *g)
      int i,j; /* counters */
      for ( i=1; i<=g->nvertices; i++ )
         printf("%d: ",i);
         for ( j=0; j<g->degree[i]; j++ )
            printf(" %d",g->edges[i][j]);
   int main()
      int a =0;
      typedef struct
         int edges[20][20];
         int degree[21];
         int nvertices;
         int nedges;
      graph *g;

      read_graph(graph *g, int directed)
         int i; /* counter */
         int m; /* number of edges */
         int x, y; /* vertices in edge (x,y) */
         printf("enter the no of nodes and edges");
         scanf("%d %d",&(g->nvertices),&m);
         for ( i=1; i<=m; i++ )
            printf("enter the value of nodes");
            scanf("%d %d",&x,&y);
      initialize_graph(graph *g)
         int i; /* counter */
         g -> nvertices = 0;
         g -> nedges = 0;
         for ( i=1; i<=20; i++ ) g->degree[i] = 0;
      insert_edge(graph *g, int x, int y, int directed)
         if ( g->degree[x] > 20 )
            printf("Warning: insertion(%d,%d) exceeds max degree\n",x,y);
         g->edges[x][g->degree[x]] = y;
         g->degree[x] ++;
         if ( directed == 0 )
            g->nedges ++;

/*delete_edge(graph *g, int x, int y, bool directed)
int i; /* counter */
/* for (i=0; i<g->degree[x]; i++)
if (g->edges[x][i] == y) {
g->degree[x] --;
g->edges[x][i] = g->edges[x][g->degree[x]];
if (directed == FALSE)
printf("Warning: deletion(%d,%d) not found in g.\n",x,y);
} */
      print_graph(graph *g)
         int i,j; /* counters */
         for ( i=1; i<=g->nvertices; i++ )
            printf("%d: ",i);
            for ( j=0; j<g->degree[i]; j++ )
               printf(" %d",g->edges[i][j]);

I hope I didn't screw up your actual code when I tried to put it in code tags, but it still looks like you may be defining a function within a function. And there appears to be much of the basics for C or C++ coding that might not know.

[edit]Taking another pass at what you posted, I seems to me that if you want to create on on-screen graphic representation of such a thing in C or C++ you are weeks/month/years away from doing so unless you have years/months/weeks of experience in another language already.

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