i need to write a programme where the customer has a list of products to choose from and to indicate their weight.

Upon doing this the price of product per Kg is displayed in another box and once the weight is entered Command Button is pressed and the transaction is calulated.

Each transaction is recorded in a list.

Thanks 4 ur help
PS: any help will b appreciated to kamran_bashir786@hotmail.com

if you're not using a database, I think the best route to go would be to add the items to a drop-down list combobox, with an itemdata being their price for each item. Each time an item in the combo is clicked the itemdata (price) would be displayed in the appropriate textbox and then once the weight is entered the calculation would be Itemdata * weight then do an additem to listbox of that value (itemdata * weight). Or you could use an User-defined type for each item.

i have made most of my program but their are a few poblem areas the return product combo box doesnt work and i cant c y
and i have to print a receipt out but i dnt know how to add VAT info on der. i need total b4 VAT etc
any help very grateful
email me on kamran_bashir786@hotmail.com

if you're not using a database, I think the best route to go would be to add the items to a drop-down list combobox, with an itemdata being their price for each item. Each time an item in the combo is clicked the itemdata (price) would be displayed in the appropriate textbox and then once the weight is entered the calculation would be Itemdata * weight then do an additem to listbox of that value (itemdata * weight). Or you could use an User-defined type for each item.

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