Contains forums for VB, C++, PHP, HTML, SQL, etc.,
Tutorial(s) for VB w/ code.

P.S. it needs a new skin, if anyone is interested in making one please tell me at

C'mon man... why are you advertising? TechTalkForums is set up to handle all of these questions. I suggest you edit your post, with an sorry for advertising message.

Also, while we are talking about your site, I would like to ask you a question.

Why are you giving VB6 tutorials? VB6 is over 5 years old is not a current Microsoft development platform (when you get your MCAD, Microsoft Certified Application Developer, you can only get it in VB.NET or C#).

Tekmaven's right in that this is spamming ... sorry, you just can't do that here :( If you want to advertise your site, check out our links directory and submit your site to the appropriate category.

We also offer an affiliate program if you'd like to link back to us - you get your site featured on the links homepage as well as techtalk's index page. E-mail/PM me if you're interested.

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