Hi. SInce you guys were so helpful the last time around, I decided to ask a less pressing, but more casual questions.

My friends and I want to build a private p2p client (connects to our computers through this client to share files and do messaging), just for the heck of it...you know, to see if we can.

So I'm thinking, can it be done easily/efficiently in python? Or what language might be best for this? Also, any good resources available as to where to start reading up on how to implement this (yes, I said reading up)?

Here's what we're looking for:

Possibly make it a bit private, or at least, make it only compatible with the client we build.

Remote access. It would be cool if it won't be bound to just the computers we own, but any computer we put the client on (we'd have authorisation of course)

We don't want to have to use an internet server, but have it decentralized over our computers. They just connect and talk.

Send files, and chat messages in real time

Maybe even be able to broadcast and receive multimedia to and from each other. (not a vital, but that would be really good)

I know this is sort of just re-inventing the wheel, but as I said it's really just to see if we can do it.

Also, you should know that we are willing so to learn anything we have to and will have a lot of patience with trying...so whatever suggestions you do have, please let them be heard...seen ;) .

Heh...are you trying to get us all in trouble? :)


I don't know about phthon but I know that can be done in C or C++ using sockets. Computers attached to a LAN (Local Area Network) do not require internet service provider but others do.

I don't know about phthon but I know that can be done in C or C++ using sockets. Computers attached to a LAN (Local Area Network) do not require internet service provider but others do.

Here is your answer! Use C++! You may want to repost your request in the C/C++ section of the forum.

There is a socket module in Python, and it's described here:


It sounds like what you want, though, is basically some kind of 'pyNapster'. I'll bet there's already one out there.


Hey, that link that Jeff gave me, has information that works! My friends and I have been able to send messages and even files over the school LAN using python socket module. Now we're going to try it over the internet (I feel it should work, because it uses IP addresses)

So thanks Jeff. We are going to try it in python first (because its unbelievably easy), and then try C++ if that doesn't work out.

Thanks again for awesome help...i tell you this site is just great.

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