Before I start, is Borland C++ free? Or do you have to pay money for it?

Second, I found a Borland C++ 4.5.2 CD in my dad's old computer bag. If I install it on XP, will it have any compatibility errors?

i dont think its free.

you shouldnt have any compatibily problems . i myself run MS Visual C++ 97 on my xp machine just fine/

I actually have Turbo 1.1 on my machine. No problems...

Thank you very much for your quick response! You responded to my other post in seconds flat as well...

>is Borland C++ free?
It depends on the version. Borland 5.5 is free as a command line compiler, and Turbo C++ Explorer is a free compiler/IDE.

>If I install it on XP, will it have any compatibility errors?
No, but you will have issues with your compiler not properly supporting C++.

and if its old it might not be ANSI C

>and if its old it might not be ANSI C
It's not quite that old. It's a pretty safe bet that any C++ compiler supports ISO C90.

I'll stick with Dev-C++... Borlan 4.52 doesn't support using namespace std; and #include <iostream> for some reason (HELP!)...

>Borlan 4.52 doesn't support using namespace std; and #include <iostream> for some reason (HELP!)...
I feel like I'm being ignored. Did you miss the part where I said you would have issues with Borland 4.5 not properly supporting C++?

I know. I was just saying that I'm gonna stick with Dev-C++. I might buy 5.5...

>Borlan 4.52 doesn't support using namespace std; and #include <iostream> for some reason (HELP!)...
I feel like I'm being ignored. Did you miss the part where I said you would have issues with Borland 4.5 not properly supporting C++?

which C++ though... It supports the standard as it stood when the product was finalised (which is of course different from what it is today) :mrgreen:

>which C++ though...
The right one, of course. ;)

ah, good old C++ 1.0 :)

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