I need you to help with this.... I always get confused when a program that appears simple takes me long time to finish, and i always think that i am not up to the task... i always think that a good programmer is not suppose to take that much time to complete the program..... Most especially when i have bugs in my program... and i just manipulated the program to get rid of the bug.... I just want to know if it is my fault or if it happens often... although i always get my program to work properly but i still feel bad about the process of completing the program... :(

>>i always think that a good programmer is not suppose to take that much time to complete the program :D

I whish that were true --

i plan my programs very well infact, i am sure of that, but a little logic error takes me alot of time to resolve... that is why i am concerned that a good programmer will find that out easily...

but thanks at least i should get going.... practise makes one perfect

I take a long time to write code too, mainly because I test it in my head as I write it. I still come up with plenty of bugs too, which then takes time to hunt down and fix. It's not like we're all computers, afterall ;)

If you're using a language like C or C++ you're doomed to have bugs.

Bugs and slow progress are normal for everyone...one way you can at least reduce the headache when programming is to start small, code a little bit at a time, then compile and make sure that code works before moving on...It's always rough when you've written 200 lines then compiled and find you have an error...

Practice is the way to go. The more you practice, the more you know what goes under the hood, the more chances you have of avoiding errors and bugs. But Rashakil is right, if using lanauges like C, C++ bugs can't be avoided. Using modern languages like Ruby, Python etc is the way to go. They are much less of a headache.

Using modern languages like Ruby, Python etc is the way to go. They are much less of a headache.

When they are appropriate. :icon_wink:

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Computer languages are not our mother tongues, so you couldn't expect what you want everytime:icon_wink:

When they are appropriate.

Oh come on, I hope you are not talking about performance issues here. Either that or I missed your point completely... ;-)

Oh come on, I hope you are not talking about performance issues here. Either that or I missed your point completely... ;-)

A small part of it was performance, but that point is nearly moot these days. I was thinking more along the lines of matching a paradigm to a problem and to library availability and ease of use.

A small part of it was performance, but that point is nearly moot these days. I was thinking more along the lines of matching a paradigm to a problem and to library availability and ease of use.

In the times where frameworks are in abundance, I don't think matching a paradigm to a problem should be an issue. And btw, modern programming languages come packed to the brim with features so rich, that you almost never need to write functions to perform trivial tasks, the way it is done in C/C++.

Python and Perl are are excellent examples of languages whose add on packages keep on adding more and more value and richness to the language itself. :-)

MIT's Technology Review magazine published an interview with Stroustrup in Nov, 2006:
'The Problem With Programming: Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of the C++ programming language, defends his legacy and examines what's wrong with most software code.'
link: http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/17831/

this generated such heated debate for an example, see:
that Technology Review conducted a second interview (dec 2006), addressing some of the objections to C++. link: http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/17868/

you may find these interesting.

Really interesting article. Worth a read. ;-)

I remember reading that when it came out, and I agree completely with everything he said. However, I think part of the problem is that the power of C++ also allows for far more bad coding techniques, so even though it seems like a fairly easy language to pick up, there's a lot more to C++ than just learning the syntax and some basic STL.

With great powers, come great responsibility... ;-)

.. although i always get my program to work properly but i still feel bad about the process of completing the program... :(

I feel your pain bro BUT with time and practise I find my coding gets quicker and more refined. The more tasks I complete the more pitfalls I learn to avoid!

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