Hello there, I come from a Java background, and I am a very able with java.
I would like to try C++ to build a chess engine, since my java chess engine lacks the performance that can be obtained using C++.

I've been trying to set up a C++ IDE, I tried with eclipse, but the whole setting up process was too confusing and ultimatley didn't work.
I really need an IDE, I don't like working with notepad and command prompt.

Can anyone recommend a good IDE to get started with, and how I can set up.
Also a nice tutorial to get me started with an HelloWorld program would be good.

Can anyone help. Thanks

>Can anyone recommend a good IDE to get started with, and how I can set up.
Visual C++ Express is good, and it's easy to install. Dev-C++ is also good and easy to work with, but it's kind of a dead project. I've been hearing good things about Code::Blocks, but I haven't yet tried it.

Hi, I just downlaoded Visual C++, the
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.

Its not the same as C, I opened a command prompt project, and I have to use...

Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");

Instead of

cout << "Hello World";

I don't get it, I thought Visual C++ was the same as C++, but with Forms and stuff to use to build GUIs.

Whats going on?

Shall I stick with this?

>I opened a command prompt project, and I have to use...
You probably created a CLR project. That assumes you're using C++/CLI, which is most certainly not C++. Do yourself a favor. Create a blank project and add the .cpp files manually.

Yes, you are correct, I did do a CLR project.

I just tried..

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!\n";

And the result was...
Hello, World!
Press any key to continue . . .

I dabbled with c++ about a year ago, and to stop the command prompt from disappearing straight away I had to accept input at the end of the main method, but seems I don't have to do it here.

Isn't there lots of different compilers with c++, hence with this one I'm using with Visual c++, I get the 'Press any key to continue . . .' thing?

Thanks for your help

You are about to get more information than you bargained for... :icon_cheesygrin:

On Windows systems, an EXE file has a tag in its header that declares whether or not to start it as a Console process (using the DOS window) or as a GUI process (without the DOS window). Programs can use both at any time... but the tag simply indicates whether or not to create a new console and attach it to your program when you run it (assuming you didn't start the program from the DOS prompt to begin with... ehe)

Visual C++ adds that "Press any key to continue..." thing just so you get a chance to read what was written to the console window before it disappears after your program terminates. That is, it is a convenience. If you compile your program and run the EXE without the IDE you won't see the prompt (and the console window will appear and disappear just as fast as your program runs).

Hope this helps.

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