I got an Assignment to sort a Randomized Dynamic 2D Matrix of Integers , Snake style : for Example : biggest number in row 0 , after it follows (beneath it , vividly) the next number :
1 2 3 4 5
10 9 8 7 6
11 12 13 1415
20 19 18 17 16
21 22 23 24 25

First step is to read the Daniweb Posting Rules and Suggestions For Posting Questions. Pay close attention to the "show effort" parts. We do not reward laziness.I see you couldn't even be bothered to say what language you were using.

Although, since you didn't actiually ask a question, can I assume you were just sharing this life event with us for the fun of it?

How would you define "snake style"? I guess the way I would describe it is the first line counts up, the second line counts down, the third line counts up again, etc. How many numbers are there in each line? It looks like you should begin by coming up with an algorithm that produces what you want, and then translate that algorithm into the language of your choosing, or your professor's choosing. Show us what you've come up with :)

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