i got a problem while running a jsp file from one pc in another pc,that jsp file contains hyper link to another file
when i gave
in pc say 56 lan connection is there
index page is displying but the hyper link in that page not executing
please any one help

> i got a problem while running a jsp file from one pc in another pc,that jsp file contains hyper
> link to another file

I am not very sure I understand what you want here but try http://hostNameOfAnotherMachine on the machine from which you want to access the host site i.e. from your machine. If it shows a tomcat welcome page, then it means you are successfully able to access the host machine in which case there seems to be a problem with your URL.

I feel you are missing the webapp name from your URL i.e. the URL should most probably look like http://someOtherHost/myWebApp/index.jsp

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