Hello everyone..i'm a newbie here and one of a beginner programmer.
Right now i'm working on a system using JSP and oracle and have a little problem with my system...
My problem is : how can we exstract a data in a text file and then after exstract we can save the data and display it as a text file...
Hopefully anybody in here can help me and give an idea about it.
Thank You..

Read the data from the database and store it in a string. Write the given string to the JSP file using the JSPWriter. Set the content type as 'text/plain' and the page will be rendered to the user as plain text.

or rather do all that in a servlet as JSP isn't intended for anything but displaying data.

do anayone here have some example about it?
i really don't get it...
please help..~
thank you~

It seems that you are new to J2EE technology, so maybe starting here would be a better choice. If after going through the tutorials you get stuck with a code example, post it here. Its pretty simple.

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