Somehow my code keeps getting extra spaces at the end after the last ?>

No matter what I use, or what I do, I keep getting it and it is causing function errors.

Any suggestions??


What you means extra spaces?
What software you are using?
When it happen, as soon as saving your file?

What you means extra spaces?
What software you are using?
When it happen, as soon as saving your file?

After the last ?> in the code, there is extra "space" like as if you used the space bar or tabbed over at the end of the script. I go in and delete it so that the cursor ends like so ?>| and it keeps coming back.

I've used my CPanel, Notepad, and a text editor called PHPad or something like that, and none of them keep that space from adding on at the end. It is creating conflict between two files that feed together with one another, and causing error messages in my shopping cart. I open the file, remove the space and either save, or upload, and then it is there AGAIN.

Thanks for any help!

I don't see how the spaces in the code may affecting the output, and how it may conflict between two files.
Can you email the code? or post it here if not too long.

It's 2 files from zen-cart that are interfering with one another. The zen-cart writers say it's the space at the end problem causing the conflict. Apparently it's common in these two files.

The error message says:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/fiberfa/public_html/eshop/includes/languages/english/header.php:46) in /home/fiberfa/public_html/eshop/includes/functions/functions_general.php on line 52

functions_general.php is as follows:

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |zen-cart Open Source E-commerce                                       |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2003 The zen-cart developers                           |
// |                                                                      |
// | [url][/url]                                    |
// |                                                                      |
// | Portions Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce                               |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license,       |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
// | [url][/url].                             |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the zen-cart license and are unable |
// | to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to       |
// | [email][/email] so we can mail you a copy immediately.          |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: functions_general.php 637 2004-11-22 15:11:37Z wilt $
 * General Function Repository.
 * @package ZenCart_Functions

 * Stop from parsing any further PHP code
  function zen_exit() {

 * Redirect to another page or site
 * @param string The url to redirect to
  function zen_redirect($url) {
    if ( (ENABLE_SSL == true) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ) { // We are loading an SSL page
      if (substr($url, 0, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)) == HTTP_SERVER) { // NONSSL url
        $url = HTTPS_SERVER . substr($url, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)); // Change it to SSL

// clean up URL before executing it
  while (strstr($url, '&&')) $url = str_replace('&&', '&', $url);
  while (strstr($url, '&amp;&amp;')) $url = str_replace('&amp;&amp;', '&amp;', $url);
  // header locates should not have the &amp; in the address it breaks things
  while (strstr($url, '&amp;')) $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);

    header('Location: ' . $url);


 * Parse the data used in the html tags to ensure the tags will not break.
 * Basically just an extension to the php strstr function
 * @param string The string to be parsed
 * @param string The needle to find
// Parse the data used in the html tags to ensure the tags will not break
  function zen_parse_input_field_data($data, $parse) {
    return strtr(trim($data), $parse);

 * Returns a string with conversions for security.
 * @param string The string to be parsed
 * @param string contains a string to be translated, otherwise just quote is translated
 * @param boolean Do we run htmlspecialchars over the string
  function zen_output_string($string, $translate = false, $protected = false) {
    if ($protected == true) {
      return htmlspecialchars($string);
    } else {
      if ($translate == false) {
        return zen_parse_input_field_data($string, array('"' => '&quot;'));
      } else {
        return zen_parse_input_field_data($string, $translate);

 * Returns a string with conversions for security.
 * Simply calls the zen_ouput_string function
 * with parameters that run htmlspecialchars over the string
 * and converts quotes to html entities
 * @param string The string to be parsed
  function zen_output_string_protected($string) {
    return zen_output_string($string, false, true);

 * Returns a string with conversions for security.
 * @param string The string to be parsed

  function zen_sanitize_string($string) {
    $string = ereg_replace(' +', ' ', $string);
    return preg_replace("/[<>]/", '_', $string);

 * Break a word in a string if it is longer than a specified length ($len)
 * @param string The string to be broken up
 * @param int The maximum length allowed
 * @param string The character to use at the end of the broken line
  function zen_break_string($string, $len, $break_char = '-') {
    $l = 0;
    $output = '';
    for ($i=0, $n=strlen($string); $i<$n; $i++) {
      $char = substr($string, $i, 1);
      if ($char != ' ') {
      } else {
        $l = 0;
      if ($l > $len) {
        $l = 1;
        $output .= $break_char;
      $output .= $char;

    return $output;

 * Return all HTTP GET variables, except those passed as a parameter
 * The return is a urlencoded string
 * @param mixed either a single or array of parameter names to be excluded from output
// Return all HTTP GET variables, except those passed as a parameter
  function zen_get_all_get_params($exclude_array = '', $search_engine_safe = true) {

    if (!is_array($exclude_array)) $exclude_array = array();

    $get_url = '';
    if (is_array($_GET) && (sizeof($_GET) > 0)) {
      while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) {
        if ( (strlen($value) > 0) && ($key != 'main_page') && ($key != zen_session_name()) && ($key != 'error') && (!in_array($key, $exclude_array)) && ($key != 'x') && ($key != 'y') ) {
          if ( (SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS == 'true') && ($search_engine_safe == true) ) {
//    die ('here');
            $get_url .= $key . '/' . rawurlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '/';
          } else {
            $get_url .= $key . '=' . rawurlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '&';
    while (strstr($get_url, '&&')) $get_url = str_replace('&&', '&', $get_url);
    while (strstr($get_url, '&amp;&amp;')) $get_url = str_replace('&amp;&amp;', '&amp;', $get_url);

    return $get_url;

// Returns the clients browser
  function zen_browser_detect($component) {
    global $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

    return stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, $component);

// Wrapper function for round()
  function zen_round($number, $precision) {
    if (strpos($number, '.') && (strlen(substr($number, strpos($number, '.')+1)) > $precision)) {
      $number = substr($number, 0, strpos($number, '.') + 1 + $precision + 1);

      if (substr($number, -1) >= 5) {
        if ($precision > 1) {
          $number = substr($number, 0, -1) + ('0.' . str_repeat(0, $precision-1) . '1');
        } elseif ($precision == 1) {
          $number = substr($number, 0, -1) + 0.1;
        } else {
          $number = substr($number, 0, -1) + 1;
      } else {
        $number = substr($number, 0, -1);

    return $number;

// default filler is a 0 or pass filler to be used
  function zen_row_number_format($number, $filler='0') {
    if ( ($number < 10) && (substr($number, 0, 1) != '0') ) $number = $filler . $number;

    return $number;

// Output a raw date string in the selected locale date format
// $raw_date needs to be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  function zen_date_long($raw_date) {
    if ( ($raw_date == '0001-01-01 00:00:00') || ($raw_date == '') ) return false;

    $year = (int)substr($raw_date, 0, 4);
    $month = (int)substr($raw_date, 5, 2);
    $day = (int)substr($raw_date, 8, 2);
    $hour = (int)substr($raw_date, 11, 2);
    $minute = (int)substr($raw_date, 14, 2);
    $second = (int)substr($raw_date, 17, 2);

    return strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG, mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year));

// Output a raw date string in the selected locale date format
// $raw_date needs to be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
// NOTE: Includes a workaround for dates before 01/01/1970 that fail on windows servers
  function zen_date_short($raw_date) {
    if ( ($raw_date == '0001-01-01 00:00:00') || empty($raw_date) ) return false;

    $year = substr($raw_date, 0, 4);
    $month = (int)substr($raw_date, 5, 2);
    $day = (int)substr($raw_date, 8, 2);
    $hour = (int)substr($raw_date, 11, 2);
    $minute = (int)substr($raw_date, 14, 2);
    $second = (int)substr($raw_date, 17, 2);

    if (@date('Y', mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year)) == $year) {
      return date(DATE_FORMAT, mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
    } else {
      return ereg_replace('2037' . '$', $year, date(DATE_FORMAT, mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, 2037)));

// Parse search string into indivual objects
  function zen_parse_search_string($search_str = '', &$objects) {
    $search_str = trim(strtolower($search_str));

// Break up $search_str on whitespace; quoted string will be reconstructed later
    $pieces = split('[[:space:]]+', $search_str);
    $objects = array();
    $tmpstring = '';
    $flag = '';

    for ($k=0; $k<count($pieces); $k++) {
      while (substr($pieces[$k], 0, 1) == '(') {
        $objects[] = '(';
        if (strlen($pieces[$k]) > 1) {
          $pieces[$k] = substr($pieces[$k], 1);
        } else {
          $pieces[$k] = '';

      $post_objects = array();

      while (substr($pieces[$k], -1) == ')')  {
        $post_objects[] = ')';
        if (strlen($pieces[$k]) > 1) {
          $pieces[$k] = substr($pieces[$k], 0, -1);
        } else {
          $pieces[$k] = '';

// Check individual words

      if ( (substr($pieces[$k], -1) != '"') && (substr($pieces[$k], 0, 1) != '"') ) {
        $objects[] = trim($pieces[$k]);

        for ($j=0; $j<count($post_objects); $j++) {
          $objects[] = $post_objects[$j];
      } else {
/* This means that the $piece is either the beginning or the end of a string.
   So, we'll slurp up the $pieces and stick them together until we get to the
   end of the string or run out of pieces.

// Add this word to the $tmpstring, starting the $tmpstring
        $tmpstring = trim(ereg_replace('"', ' ', $pieces[$k]));

// Check for one possible exception to the rule. That there is a single quoted word.
        if (substr($pieces[$k], -1 ) == '"') {
// Turn the flag off for future iterations
          $flag = 'off';

          $objects[] = trim($pieces[$k]);

          for ($j=0; $j<count($post_objects); $j++) {
            $objects[] = $post_objects[$j];


// Stop looking for the end of the string and move onto the next word.

// Otherwise, turn on the flag to indicate no quotes have been found attached to this word in the string.
        $flag = 'on';

// Move on to the next word

// Keep reading until the end of the string as long as the $flag is on

        while ( ($flag == 'on') && ($k < count($pieces)) ) {
          while (substr($pieces[$k], -1) == ')') {
            $post_objects[] = ')';
            if (strlen($pieces[$k]) > 1) {
              $pieces[$k] = substr($pieces[$k], 0, -1);
            } else {
              $pieces[$k] = '';

// If the word doesn't end in double quotes, append it to the $tmpstring.
          if (substr($pieces[$k], -1) != '"') {
// Tack this word onto the current string entity
            $tmpstring .= ' ' . $pieces[$k];

// Move on to the next word
          } else {
/* If the $piece ends in double quotes, strip the double quotes, tack the
   $piece onto the tail of the string, push the $tmpstring onto the $haves,
   kill the $tmpstring, turn the $flag "off", and return.
            $tmpstring .= ' ' . trim(ereg_replace('"', ' ', $pieces[$k]));

// Push the $tmpstring onto the array of stuff to search for
            $objects[] = trim($tmpstring);

            for ($j=0; $j<count($post_objects); $j++) {
              $objects[] = $post_objects[$j];


// Turn off the flag to exit the loop
            $flag = 'off';

// add default logical operators if needed
    $temp = array();
    for($i=0; $i<(count($objects)-1); $i++) {
      $temp[] = $objects[$i];
      if ( ($objects[$i] != 'and') &&
           ($objects[$i] != 'or') &&
           ($objects[$i] != '(') &&
           ($objects[$i+1] != 'and') &&
           ($objects[$i+1] != 'or') &&
           ($objects[$i+1] != ')') ) {
    $temp[] = $objects[$i];
    $objects = $temp;

    $keyword_count = 0;
    $operator_count = 0;
    $balance = 0;
    for($i=0; $i<count($objects); $i++) {
      if ($objects[$i] == '(') $balance --;
      if ($objects[$i] == ')') $balance ++;
      if ( ($objects[$i] == 'and') || ($objects[$i] == 'or') ) {
        $operator_count ++;
      } elseif ( ($objects[$i]) && ($objects[$i] != '(') && ($objects[$i] != ')') ) {
        $keyword_count ++;

    if ( ($operator_count < $keyword_count) && ($balance == 0) ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

// Check date
  function zen_checkdate($date_to_check, $format_string, &$date_array) {
    $separator_idx = -1;

    $separators = array('-', ' ', '/', '.');
    $month_abbr = array('jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec');
    $no_of_days = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);

    $format_string = strtolower($format_string);

    if (strlen($date_to_check) != strlen($format_string)) {
      return false;

    $size = sizeof($separators);
    for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
      $pos_separator = strpos($date_to_check, $separators[$i]);
      if ($pos_separator != false) {
        $date_separator_idx = $i;

    for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
      $pos_separator = strpos($format_string, $separators[$i]);
      if ($pos_separator != false) {
        $format_separator_idx = $i;

    if ($date_separator_idx != $format_separator_idx) {
      return false;

    if ($date_separator_idx != -1) {
      $format_string_array = explode( $separators[$date_separator_idx], $format_string );
      if (sizeof($format_string_array) != 3) {
        return false;

      $date_to_check_array = explode( $separators[$date_separator_idx], $date_to_check );
      if (sizeof($date_to_check_array) != 3) {
        return false;

      $size = sizeof($format_string_array);
      for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
        if ($format_string_array[$i] == 'mm' || $format_string_array[$i] == 'mmm') $month = $date_to_check_array[$i];
        if ($format_string_array[$i] == 'dd') $day = $date_to_check_array[$i];
        if ( ($format_string_array[$i] == 'yyyy') || ($format_string_array[$i] == 'aaaa') ) $year = $date_to_check_array[$i];
    } else {
      if (strlen($format_string) == 8 || strlen($format_string) == 9) {
        $pos_month = strpos($format_string, 'mmm');
        if ($pos_month != false) {
          $month = substr( $date_to_check, $pos_month, 3 );
          $size = sizeof($month_abbr);
          for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
            if ($month == $month_abbr[$i]) {
              $month = $i;
        } else {
          $month = substr($date_to_check, strpos($format_string, 'mm'), 2);
      } else {
        return false;

      $day = substr($date_to_check, strpos($format_string, 'dd'), 2);
      $year = substr($date_to_check, strpos($format_string, 'yyyy'), 4);

    if (strlen($year) != 4) {
      return false;

    if (!settype($year, 'integer') || !settype($month, 'integer') || !settype($day, 'integer')) {
      return false;

    if ($month > 12 || $month < 1) {
      return false;

    if ($day < 1) {
      return false;

    if (zen_is_leap_year($year)) {
      $no_of_days[1] = 29;

    if ($day > $no_of_days[$month - 1]) {
      return false;

    $date_array = array($year, $month, $day);

    return true;

// Check if year is a leap year
  function zen_is_leap_year($year) {
    if ($year % 100 == 0) {
      if ($year % 400 == 0) return true;
    } else {
      if (($year % 4) == 0) return true;

    return false;

// Return table heading with sorting capabilities
  function zen_create_sort_heading($sortby, $colnum, $heading) {
    global $PHP_SELF;

    $sort_prefix = '';
    $sort_suffix = '';

    if ($sortby) {
      $sort_prefix = '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], zen_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'info', 'sort')) . 'page=1&sort=' . $colnum . ($sortby == $colnum . 'a' ? 'd' : 'a')) . '" title="' . zen_output_string(TEXT_SORT_PRODUCTS . ($sortby == $colnum . 'd' || substr($sortby, 0, 1) != $colnum ? TEXT_ASCENDINGLY : TEXT_DESCENDINGLY) . TEXT_BY . $heading) . '" class="productListing-heading">' ;
      $sort_suffix = (substr($sortby, 0, 1) == $colnum ? (substr($sortby, 1, 1) == 'a' ? '+' : '-') : '') . '</a>';

    return $sort_prefix . $heading . $sort_suffix;

// Return a product ID with attributes
  function zen_get_uprid_OLD($prid, $params) {
    $uprid = $prid;
    if ( (is_array($params)) && (!strstr($prid, '{')) ) {
      while (list($option, $value) = each($params)) {
        $uprid = $uprid . '{' . $option . '}' . $value;

    return $uprid;

// Return a product ID with attributes
  function zen_get_uprid($prid, $params) {
    $uprid = $prid;
    if ( (is_array($params)) && (!strstr($prid, ':')) ) {
      while (list($option, $value) = each($params)) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
          while (list($opt, $val) = each($value)) {
            $uprid = $uprid . '{' . $option . '}' . trim($opt);
        //CLR 030714 Add processing around $value. This is needed for text attributes.
        $uprid = $uprid . '{' . $option . '}' . trim($value);
    //CLR 030228 Add else stmt to process product ids passed in by other routines.
      $md_uprid = '';

      $md_uprid = md5($uprid);
      return $prid . ':' . $md_uprid;
    } else {
      return $prid;

// Return a product ID from a product ID with attributes
  function zen_get_prid($uprid) {
    $pieces = explode(':', $uprid);

    return $pieces[0];

//! Send email (text/html) using MIME
// This is the old central mail function. The SMTP Server should be configured correctly in php.ini
// Parameters:
// $to_name           The name of the recipient, e.g. "Jan Wildeboer"
// $to_email_address  The eMail address of the recipient,
//                    e.g. [email][/email]
// $email_subject     The subject of the eMail
// $email_text        The text of the eMail, may contain HTML entities
// $from_email_name   The name of the sender, e.g. Shop Administration
// $from_email_adress The eMail address of the sender,
//                    e.g. [email][/email]
  function legacy_zen_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) {
    if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') return false;

    // Instantiate a new mail object
    $message = new email(array('X-Mailer: Zen Cart Mailer'));

// bof: body of the email clean-up
// clean up &amp; and && from email text
    while (strstr($email_text, '&amp;&amp;')) $email_text = str_replace('&amp;&amp;', '&amp;', $email_text);
    while (strstr($email_text, '&amp;')) $email_text = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $email_text);
    while (strstr($email_text, '&&')) $email_text = str_replace('&&', '&', $email_text);

// clean up money &euro; to e
    while (strstr($email_text, '&euro;')) $email_text = str_replace('&euro;', 'e', $email_text);

// fix double quotes
    while (strstr($email_text, '&quot;')) $email_text = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $email_text);

// fix slashes
    $email_text = stripslashes($email_text);

// eof: body of the email clean-up

    // Build the text version
    $text = strip_tags($email_text);
    if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') {
      $message->add_html($email_text, $text);
    } else {

    // Send message
    $message->send($to_name, $to_email_address, $from_email_name, $from_email_address, $email_subject);

// Get the number of times a word/character is present in a string
  function zen_word_count($string, $needle) {
    $temp_array = split($needle, $string);

    return sizeof($temp_array);

  function zen_count_modules($modules = '') {
    $count = 0;

    if (empty($modules)) return $count;

    $modules_array = split(';', $modules);

    for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($modules_array); $i<$n; $i++) {
      $class = substr($modules_array[$i], 0, strrpos($modules_array[$i], '.'));

      if (is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) {
        if ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) {

    return $count;

  function zen_count_payment_modules() {
    return zen_count_modules(MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED);

  function zen_count_shipping_modules() {
    return zen_count_modules(MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED);

  function zen_create_random_value($length, $type = 'mixed') {
    if ( ($type != 'mixed') && ($type != 'chars') && ($type != 'digits')) return false;

    $rand_value = '';
    while (strlen($rand_value) < $length) {
      if ($type == 'digits') {
        $char = zen_rand(0,9);
      } else {
        $char = chr(zen_rand(0,255));
      if ($type == 'mixed') {
        if (eregi('^[a-z0-9]$', $char)) $rand_value .= $char;
      } elseif ($type == 'chars') {
        if (eregi('^[a-z]$', $char)) $rand_value .= $char;
      } elseif ($type == 'digits') {
        if (ereg('^[0-9]$', $char)) $rand_value .= $char;

    return $rand_value;

  function zen_array_to_string($array, $exclude = '', $equals = '=', $separator = '&') {
    if (!is_array($exclude)) $exclude = array();

    $get_string = '';
    if (sizeof($array) > 0) {
      while (list($key, $value) = each($array)) {
        if ( (!in_array($key, $exclude)) && ($key != 'x') && ($key != 'y') ) {
          $get_string .= $key . $equals . $value . $separator;
      $remove_chars = strlen($separator);
      $get_string = substr($get_string, 0, -$remove_chars);

    return $get_string;

  function zen_not_null($value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      if (sizeof($value) > 0) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    } else {
      if (($value != '') && (strtolower($value) != 'null') && (strlen(trim($value)) > 0)) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

// Checks to see if the currency code exists as a currency
// TABLES: currencies
  function zen_currency_exists($code) {
    global $db;
    $code = zen_db_prepare_input($code);

    $currency_code = "select currencies_id
                      from " . TABLE_CURRENCIES . "
                      where code = '" . zen_db_input($code) . "'";

    $currency = $db->Execute($currency_code);

    if ($currency->RecordCount()) {
      return $code;
    } else {
      return false;

  function zen_string_to_int($string) {
    return (int)$string;

// Return a random value
  function zen_rand($min = null, $max = null) {
    static $seeded;

    if (!isset($seeded)) {
      $seeded = true;

    if (isset($min) && isset($max)) {
      if ($min >= $max) {
        return $min;
      } else {
        return mt_rand($min, $max);
    } else {
      return mt_rand();

  function zen_get_top_level_domain($url) {
    if (strpos($url, '://')) {
      $url = parse_url($url);
      $url = $url['host'];
//echo $url;

    $domain_array = explode('.', $url);
    $domain_size = sizeof($domain_array);
    if ($domain_size > 1) {
      if (SESSION_USE_FQDN == 'True') return $url;
      if (is_numeric($domain_array[$domain_size-2]) && is_numeric($domain_array[$domain_size-1])) {
        return false;
      } else {
        if ($domain_size > 3) {
          return $domain_array[$domain_size-3] . '.' . $domain_array[$domain_size-2] . '.' . $domain_array[$domain_size-1];
        } else {
          return $domain_array[$domain_size-2] . '.' . $domain_array[$domain_size-1];
    } else {
      return false;

  function zen_setcookie($name, $value = '', $expire = 0, $path = '/', $domain = '', $secure = 0) {
    setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure);

  function zen_get_ip_address() {
    if (isset($_SERVER)) {
      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
        $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
      } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
        $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
      } else {
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    } else {
      if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) {
        $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
      } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) {
        $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
      } else {
        $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');

    return $ip;

// nl2br() prior PHP 4.2.0 did not convert linefeeds on all OSs (it only converted \n)
  function zen_convert_linefeeds($from, $to, $string) {
    if ((PHP_VERSION < "4.0.5") && is_array($from)) {
      return ereg_replace('(' . implode('|', $from) . ')', $to, $string);
    } else {
      return str_replace($from, $to, $string);

  function is_product_valid($product_id, $coupon_id) {
    global $db;
    $coupons_query = "select * from " . TABLE_COUPON_RESTRICT . "
                      where coupon_id = '" . $coupon_id . "'
                      order by coupon_restrict asc";

    $coupons = $db->Execute($coupons_query);

    $product_query = "select products_model from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . "
                      where products_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'";

    $product = $db->Execute($product_query);

    if (ereg('^GIFT', $product->fields['products_model'])) {
      return false;

    if ($coupons->RecordCount() == 0) return true;
    $product_valid = true;
    while (!$coupons->EOF) {
      if (($coupons->fields['product_id'] != 0) && ($coupons->fields['product_id'] != $product_id)) {
        $product_valid = false;

      if (($coupons->fields['category_id'] !=0) && (!zen_product_in_category($product_id, $coupons->fields['category_id'])) && ($coupons->fields['coupon_restrict']=='N')) {
         $product_valid = false;

      if (($coupons->fields['product_id'] == (int)$product_id) && ($coupons->fields['coupon_restrict']=='N')) {
        $product_valid = true;

      if (($coupons->fields['category_id'] !=0) && (zen_product_in_category($product_id, $coupons->fields['category_id'])) && ($coupons->fields['coupon_restrict']=='N')) {
        $product_valid = true;

      if (($coupons->fields['product_id'] == (int)$product_id) && ($coupons->fields['coupon_restrict']=='Y')) {
        $product_valid = false;

      if (($coupons->fields['category_id'] !=0) && (zen_product_in_category($product_id, $coupons->fields['category_id'])) && ($coupons->fields['coupon_restrict']=='Y')) {
        $product_valid = false;

      if ($product_valid == true) break;
    return $product_valid;

  function zen_db_input($string) {
    return addslashes($string);

  function zen_db_prepare_input($string) {
    if (is_string($string)) {
      return trim(zen_sanitize_string(stripslashes($string)));
    } elseif (is_array($string)) {
      while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) {
        $string[$key] = zen_db_prepare_input($value);
      return $string;
    } else {
      return $string;

  function zen_db_perform($table, $data, $action = 'insert', $parameters = '', $link = 'db_link') {
    global $db;
    if ($action == 'insert') {
      $query = 'insert into ' . $table . ' (';
      while (list($columns, ) = each($data)) {
        $query .= $columns . ', ';
      $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ') values (';
      while (list(, $value) = each($data)) {
        switch ((string)$value) {
          case 'now()':
            $query .= 'now(), ';
          case 'null':
            $query .= 'null, ';
            $query .= '\'' . zen_db_input($value) . '\', ';
      $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ')';
    } elseif ($action == 'update') {
      $query = 'update ' . $table . ' set ';
      while (list($columns, $value) = each($data)) {
        switch ((string)$value) {
          case 'now()':
            $query .= $columns . ' = now(), ';
          case 'null':
            $query .= $columns .= ' = null, ';
            $query .= $columns . ' = \'' . zen_db_input($value) . '\', ';
      $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ' where ' . $parameters;

    return $db->Execute($query);

  function zen_db_output($string) {
    return htmlspecialchars($string);

// function to return field type
// uses $tbl = table name, $fld = field name

  function zen_field_type($tbl, $fld) {
    global $db;
    $rs = $db->MetaColumns($tbl);
    $type = $rs[strtoupper($fld)]->type;
    return $type;

// function to return field length
// uses $tbl = table name, $fld = field name
  function zen_field_length($tbl, $fld) {
    global $db;
    $rs = $db->MetaColumns($tbl);
    $length = $rs[strtoupper($fld)]->max_length;
    return $length;

// return the size and maxlength settings in the form size="blah" maxlength="blah" based on maximum size being 70
// uses $tbl = table name, $fld = field name
// example: zen_set_field_length(TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION, 'categories_name')
  function zen_set_field_length($tbl, $fld, $max=70) {
    $field_length= zen_field_length($tbl, $fld);
    switch (true) {
      case ($field_length > $max):
        $length= 'size = "' . ($max+1) . '" maxlength= "' . $field_length . '"';
        $length= 'size = "' . ($field_length+1) . '" maxlength = "' . $field_length . '"';
    return $length;

// Set back button
  function zen_back_link() {
    if (sizeof($_SESSION['navigation']->path)-2 > 0) {
      $back = sizeof($_SESSION['navigation']->path)-2;
      $link = '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['page'], zen_array_to_string($_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['get'], array('action')), $_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['mode']) . '">';
    } else {
      if (strstr(HTTP_SERVER, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        $link= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
      } else {
        $link = '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">';
      $_SESSION['navigation'] = new navigationHistory;
    return $link;

// Set back link only
  function zen_back_link_only($link_only = false) {
    if (sizeof($_SESSION['navigation']->path)-2 > 0) {
      $back = sizeof($_SESSION['navigation']->path)-2;
      $link = zen_href_link($_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['page'], zen_array_to_string($_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['get'], array('action')), $_SESSION['navigation']->path[$back]['mode']);
    } else {
      if (strstr(HTTP_SERVER, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        $link= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
      } else {
        $link = zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT);
      $_SESSION['navigation'] = new navigationHistory;

    if ($link_only == true) {
      return $link;
    } else {
      return '<a href="' . $link . '">';

// Return a random row from a database query
  function zen_random_select($query) {
    global $db;
    $random_product = '';
    $random_query = $db->Execute($query);
    $num_rows = $random_query->RecordCount();
    if ($num_rows > 1) {
      $random_row = zen_rand(0, ($num_rows - 1));
    return $random_query;

// Truncate a string
  function zen_trunc_string($str = "", $len = 150, $more = 'true') {
    if ($str == "") return $str;
    if (is_array($str)) return $str;
    $str = trim($str);
    // if it's les than the size given, then return it
    if (strlen($str) <= $len) return $str;
    // else get that size of text
    $str = substr($str, 0, $len);
    // backtrack to the end of a word
    if ($str != "") {
      // check to see if there are any spaces left
      if (!substr_count($str , " ")) {
        if ($more == 'true') $str .= "...";
        return $str;
      // backtrack
      while(strlen($str) && ($str[strlen($str)-1] != " ")) {
        $str = substr($str, 0, -1);
      $str = substr($str, 0, -1);
      if ($more == 'true') $str .= "...";
      if ($more != 'true' and $more != 'false') $str .= $more;
    return $str;

// set current box id
  function zen_get_box_id($box_id) {
    while (strstr($box_id, '_')) $box_id = str_replace('_', '', $box_id);
    $box_id = str_replace('.php', '', $box_id);
    return $box_id;

// Switch buy now button based on call for price sold out etc.
  function zen_get_buy_now_button($product_id, $link, $additional_link = false) {
    global $db;

// 0 = normal shopping
// 1 = Login to shop
// 2 = Can browse but no prices
    // verify display of prices
      switch (true) {
        case (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '1' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ''):
        // customer must be logged in to browse
        $login_for_price = '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL') . '">' .  TEXT_LOGIN_FOR_PRICE_BUTTON_REPLACE . '</a>';
        return $login_for_price;
        case (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '2' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ''):
        if (TEXT_LOGIN_FOR_PRICE_PRICE == '') {
          // show room only
        } else {
          // customer may browse but no prices
          $login_for_price = '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL') . '">' .  TEXT_LOGIN_FOR_PRICE_BUTTON_REPLACE . '</a>';
        return $login_for_price;
        // show room only
        case (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '3'):
          return $login_for_price;
        case (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION != '0' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ''):
        // customer must be logged in to browse
        return $login_for_price;
        case (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION != '0' and $_SESSION['customers_authorization'] > '0'):
        // customer must be logged in to browse
        return $login_for_price;
        // proceed normally

// show case only
    if (STORE_STATUS != '0') {
      return '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' .  TEXT_SHOWCASE_ONLY . '</a>';

    $button_check = $db->Execute("select product_is_call, products_quantity from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_id = '" . $product_id . "'");
    switch (true) {
// cannot be added to the cart
    case (zen_get_products_allow_add_to_cart($product_id) == 'N'):
      return $additional_link;
    case ($button_check->fields['product_is_call'] == '1'):
      $return_button = '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . TEXT_CALL_FOR_PRICE . '</a>';
    case ($button_check->fields['products_quantity'] <= 0 and SHOW_PRODUCTS_SOLD_OUT_IMAGE == '1'):
      if ($_GET['main_page'] == zen_get_info_page($product_id)) {
        $return_button = zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_SOLD_OUT, BUTTON_SOLD_OUT_ALT);
      } else {
        $return_button = zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_SOLD_OUT_SMALL, BUTTON_SOLD_OUT_SMALL_ALT);
      $return_button = $link;
    if ($return_button != $link and $additional_link != false) {
      return $additional_link . '<br />' . $return_button;
    } else {
      return $return_button;

// enable shipping
  function zen_get_shipping_enabled($shipping_module) {
    global $PHP_SELF, $cart, $order;

    // for admin always true if installed
    if (strstr($PHP_SELF, FILENAME_MODULES)) {
      return true;

    $check_cart_free = $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart_check('product_is_always_free_shipping','1');
    $check_cart_cnt = $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents();
    $check_cart_weight = $_SESSION['cart']->show_weight();

    switch(true) {
      // for admin always true if installed
      case (strstr($PHP_SELF, FILENAME_MODULES)):
        return true;
      // Free Shipping when 0 weight - enable freeshipper - ORDER_WEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS must be on
      case (ORDER_WEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS == '1' and ($check_cart_weight == 0 and $shipping_module == 'freeshipper')):
        return true;
      // Free Shipping when 0 weight - disable everyone - ORDER_WEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS must be on
      case (ORDER_WEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS == '1' and ($check_cart_weight == 0 and $shipping_module != 'freeshipper')):
        return false;
      // Always free shipping only true - enable freeshipper
      case (($check_cart_free == $check_cart_cnt) and $shipping_module == 'freeshipper'):
        return true;
      // Always free shipping only true - disable everyone
      case (($check_cart_free == $check_cart_cnt) and $shipping_module != 'freeshipper'):
        return false;
      // Always free shipping only is false - disable freeshipper
      case (($check_cart_free != $check_cart_cnt) and $shipping_module == 'freeshipper'):
        return false;
        return true;

  function zen_html_entity_decode($given_html, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES) {
    $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style ));
    $trans_table['&#39;'] = "'";
    return ( strtr( $given_html, $trans_table ) );

//CLR 030228 Add function zen_decode_specialchars
// Decode string encoded with htmlspecialchars()
  function zen_decode_specialchars($string){
    $string=str_replace('&gt;', '>', $string);
    $string=str_replace('&lt;', '<', $string);
    $string=str_replace('&#039;', "'", $string);
    $string=str_replace('&quot;', "\"", $string);
    $string=str_replace('&amp;', '&', $string);

    return $string;

// remove common HTML from text for display as paragraph
  function zen_clean_html($clean_it) {

    $clean_it = preg_replace('/\r/', ' ', $clean_it);
    $clean_it = preg_replace('/\t/', ' ', $clean_it);
    $clean_it = preg_replace('/\n/', ' ', $clean_it);

    $clean_it= nl2br($clean_it);

// update breaks with a space for text displays in all listings with descriptions
    while (strstr($clean_it, '<br>')) $clean_it = str_replace('<br>', ' ', $clean_it);
    while (strstr($clean_it, '<br />')) $clean_it = str_replace('<br />', ' ', $clean_it);
    while (strstr($clean_it, '<br/>')) $clean_it = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $clean_it);
    while (strstr($clean_it, '<p>')) $clean_it = str_replace('<p>', ' ', $clean_it);
    while (strstr($clean_it, '</p>')) $clean_it = str_replace('</p>', ' ', $clean_it);

    while (strstr($clean_it, '  ')) $clean_it = str_replace('  ', ' ', $clean_it);

// remove other html code to prevent problems on display of text
    $clean_it = strip_tags($clean_it);
    return $clean_it;

// find module directory
// include template specific immediate /modules files
// new_products, products_new_listing, featured_products, featured_products_listing, product_listing, specials_index, upcoming,
// products_all_listing, products_discount_prices, also_purchased_products
  function zen_get_module_directory($check_file, $dir_only = 'false') {
    global $template_dir;

    $zv_filename = $check_file;
    if (!strstr($zv_filename, '.php')) $zv_filename .= '.php';

    if (file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . $template_dir . '/' . $zv_filename)) {
      $template_dir_select = $template_dir . '/';
    } else {
      $template_dir_select = '';

    if ($dir_only == 'true') {
      return $template_dir_select;
    } else {
      return $template_dir_select . $zv_filename;

// find template or default file
  function zen_get_file_directory($check_directory, $check_file, $dir_only = 'false') {
    global $template_dir;

    $zv_filename = $check_file;
    if (!strstr($zv_filename, '.php')) $zv_filename .= '.php';

    if (file_exists($check_directory . $template_dir . '/' . $zv_filename)) {
      $zv_directory = $check_directory . $template_dir . '/';
    } else {
      $zv_directory = $check_directory;

    if ($dir_only == 'true') {
      return $zv_directory;
    } else {
      return $zv_directory . $zv_filename;

// check to see if database stored GET terms are in the URL as $_GET parameters
  function zen_check_url_get_terms() {
    global $db;
    $zp_sql = "select * from " . TABLE_GET_TERMS_TO_FILTER;
    $zp_filter_terms = $db->Execute($zp_sql);
    $zp_result = false;
    while (!$zp_filter_terms->EOF) {
      if (zen_not_null($_GET[$zp_filter_terms->fields['get_term_name']])) $zp_result = true;
    return $zp_result;

// call additional function files
// prices and quantities
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_prices.php');
// taxes
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_taxes.php');
// gv and coupons
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_gvcoupons.php');
// categories, paths, pulldowns
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_categories.php');
// customers and addresses
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_customers.php');
// lookup information
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'functions_lookups.php');

I appreciate any help if you can find something else causing a problem in this file! I'm banging my head against the wall here!


It was a veeeeeerrrrrry long script in one file! This may be the reason why you couldn't find the problem... and it is even harder for me :!:. I would suggest you to split thenm into smaller files and test them individually.

The early part of the script is mainly to identify a user and I don't think that make anything to the error. The middel part of it dealing with products, err... not quite sure any error there. The final part it seem you are dealing with the data input by user and you are using many str_replace script. I wonder this is where the error was. For example you replace something with ' '.

Not sure why you program it so complex (even the date). You can get one online, such osCommerce, and modify to suit your application. Anyway, still suggest you to break it into few smaller files.

Good luck.

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