Hi everyone, I am new to PHP and seeking some advice on any decent online courses, tutorial sites and books to help get the ball rolling.

I am proficent in xhtml, css and have experience with coldfusion if this helps?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hey aycmike.
I know when I started learning I used a book called PHP and MySQL Web Development by luke welling and laura thomson which has lots of examples. Try and get the third/fourth edition though - you can get it second hand from Amazon for a decent price. There's tons of information available on the internet though, tiztag or w3schools is a good place to start. And the PHP Manual is useful for reference and examples.
Good Luck!

Thanks nonshatter, il give that book a ago!

I was also wondering if anyone had tried out the sitepoint online courses?
Im not sure when the next one is but they seem pretty decent ...

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