I have to consume webservice that have a method like this:

SubmitUser(UserReg user, HttpPostedFileBase image)
   // webservice side processing`

UserReg is a custom class on webservice side that have several properties like username,id,latitude,longitude etc..

I have to submit my data through this method and save webservice response after execution of this method. All this action will perform on button click. How can I do this all.

I am using .net framework 4.5 and mvc 4

Note: i am only end user of webservice

Remember SubmitUser is a webservice side method and my URL is


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UserReg is a custom class on webservice side that have several properties like username,id,latitude,longitude etc..

I don't understand your question maybe you can explain in more detail rather an outline.

Are you trying to called a Web Service Method? If so then explain more.

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